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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130

Just as Amelia was about to come out of the restroom stall, she coincidentally heard the sound of footsteps, followed by the conversation between two women.

“Isn’t the patient who came for the prenatal check-up today the wife of Warren York, chairman of York Group?” asked one of the female voices.

“That’s right. That lady’s dressed so modestly. Without prior knowledge, nobody would’ve guessed that she’s Mr. Warren York’s wife,” commented another voice.

The initial voice promptly commented, “However, I can’t help but wonder if their marriage is going through a difficult phase. They never come to the hospital together and always arrive separately.”

“Well, I don’t think so. If their relationship were on the rocks, would Warren possibly be at the hospital every month for the drawing of his blood? He even requested us to keep it a secret from his wife and claimed he didn’t want her to be concerned,” remarked the second voice.

“I heard that he’s drawing blood once a month, and they say it’s meant to continue until his wife’s delivery. Wouldn’t there be any risks if this continues?” asked the first woman.

The second woman began explaining, “It seems like he’s signed a waiver with the hospital…”

At this point, Amelia had trouble paying attention to the rest of the conversation between those two, as her mind was preoccupied… v matter regarding Warren’s blood drawing.

“Warren comes to the hospital once a month for blood drawing, an doing it until my delivery? Does that mean… that he’s drawing his b for me?” she wondered.

With those thoughts racing through her mind, Amelia forcefully swun open the stall door and urgently asked the two nurses, “Where in the hospital is Warren having his blood drawn?”

When the nurses saw Amélia out, they realized that they had mentioned something they shouldn’t have and fell silent.

After all, Warren had explicitly instructed the hospital not to inform his wife about his blood drawing.



Chapter 1130

One of the nurses quickly spoke up. “Uh… Mrs. York, we’re not sure what you’re referring to. We can explain ourselves if our previous conversation has caused any misunderstanding…”

However, before they could finish speaking, Amelia interrupted them and inquired, “Where is he at the moment? If you’re not willing to provide me with information, I’ll go to your superiors and request the details. But if you do tell me, I assure you I won’t reveal that I obtained this information from you!”

After they exchanged glances between them, one of the nurses finally disclosed the location of the room where Warren was currently having his blood drawn.

When she heard that, Amelia immediately left the restroom and began walking toward the room.

As she made her way there, her pace unknowingly hastened as Warren’s visage consumed her thoughts.

When she finally reached room three of the blood-drawing station, Amelia saw the door swinging open as Warren emerged from inside.

They happened to have run into each other.

Warren was taken aback. His eyes were filled with surprise as he looked at Amelia. “Why are you here…”

“Were you having your blood drawn?” she asked when she noticed the pallor in his complexion. Amelia also saw that one of his sleeves was still rolled up and revealed a bruise on his arm.

She subconsciously attempted to get a closer look, but he appea detect her intention and swiftly began lowering the rolled-up sle

“Wait!” shouted Amelia as she grabbed his arm to stop him.

Amid the bruise, she quickly identified a tiny puncture mark, which provided clear evidence that he had indeed had blood drawn momen


She immediately asked again, “So you really were having your blood drawn just now?”

“I’m just here for a routine health checkup, which involved some blood tests,” he casually replied before he retracted his arm from her grasp and lowered his sleeve. “Aren’t you supposed to have your prenatal



Chapter 1130

examination today? Why are you here?”

Amelia, however, continued to fix her gaze on Warren. She noticed that his complexion was far from good, as he looked pale and somewhat translucent.

This reminded her of the previous occasion when he had visited the concession stand. Back then, he had also looked pale, and even his lips. were a greyish-white color.

At that time, Amelia had attributed it to his exhaustion.

However, if Warren was also getting his blood drawn at the hospital back then, the timing matched as that had happened almost a month ago.

Besides, the two nurses in the restroom had mentioned that he had blood drawn monthly!

Amelia then asked, “Is it true that you come here for a blood draw every month?”

Warren’s expression shifted slightly when he heard that. He then smiled and said, “Where did you hear that? Why would I come here to have my blood drawn every month when I’m perfectly fine?”

Amelia tightly pursed her red lips together and held a specific answer deep within her thoughts, yet…

Suddenly, Amelia walked past Warren and pushed the door of the room open before she walked in.

Inside, the nurse happened to be organizing the blood bags.

Warren attempted to stop her, but it was too late. Amelia had alrea spotted one of the blood bags with Warren’s name labeled on it, an volume indicated was over 13 ounces.

Amelia’s sudden entrance clearly caught the nurse by surprise as she hurriedly cautioned, “Miss, you cannot simply touch these blood bags!

Amelia set the blood bag down, turned to look at Warren, and asked, “Is this entire bag of blood meant for your blood tests?”

Warren pressed his thin lips together slightly and, after a brief pause, stated, “Let’s step outside. I’ll address all your questions later.”

The two of them exited the room and moved to the corridor outside. Warren then inquired, “What about you? Have you finished your prenatal



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examination for today?”

I’m still waiting for some of the reports, repliiddAmelia.

Warren then asked in a low voice, “Is that soo?”

cchia ignored his question and asked Soocannygotellimme now why you had that bag of blood drawn?”

Heddommer det out a soft sigh as he met her gazee.

Maareen understood that if he didn’t want her to discoverthe true reason, eekboldd probably begin crafting a falsehood. Neverthelessshher gaze nadiawwwofrendering those lies immobile in his shoot and rendering inmunaabiccouter them.

Maybeere had cenuinely grown tired of lying to her facce.

inally: Maareen started explaining, “This is just for the sake of precaution. ince youumiishao bring this child into the world. I’m committeddao nakinig athtee nccessary preparations for you. I will locate ahebesst loctor toppHootch bocphal and an exceptional team to ensure smooth nd successiudccuvery for you.”


Warren smileda celf deprecatingly and continued, “Currentlyyasiddefoon inanciah suppooltce only other asset I have to offer is my body, whichh night be of sopicassimacceco you. Ingrateful that we share the sance lood type because@dceans that my blood might be of some assistancce o you if you ever recuirre blood transfusion during childbirth.”.

So your intentionnistoaltrawblood now and have the hospi when I go intodaboo askedd Arcchia.

Yes,” admitted Warreen.

melia quickly inquired again.SSoggoul. really draw over 13 ou lood every month?”

It’s just over 13 ounces, whichhissheavynical volume when averaged lonate blood, Warren remarkedd nonchalantly.


But average people don’t donate bloood every toonth!” Amelia exclaimed After all, in the case of regular blood ldannoons, individuals who gave nore than 13 ounces typically neededd wait for a period of six months before they could donate again.




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