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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1127

Chapter 1127

Jasper’s countenance bore a bitter expression as he uttered, “H-However, all the businesses that have been collaborating with the Yustone family abruptly severed ties. When I inquired, they merely informed me that I had offended someone.”

“Oh? In that case, Mr. Yustone, it seems you’ve typically managed to offend a multitude of individuals,” Warren remarked in a flat tone.

Jasper was rendered speechless by Warren’s remark, and his bitterness intensified.

Jasper was habitually arrogant, often offending numerous individuals. His family’s wealth and connections within various gangs usually allowed him to navigate the consequences of his actions.

However, this time, he had offended Warren, a person beyond his family’s ability to handle.

Initially, Jasper had believed Amelia to be merely a mistress of Warren’s. Despite her pregnancy, he dismissed her significance in Warren’s life. His actions led to him humiliating Amelia, only to find himself later being humiliated by Warren. This retaliation was undeniably a case of an eye for an eye.

Jasper had anticipated the retaliation to conclude with his own humiliation. However, he hadn’t foreseen that numerous family businesses would be adversely impacted and the capital chain would be disrupted. Even the banks refused to loan them money.

If this pattern persisted, the Yustone family would inevitably meet its downfall.

As Warren and the others were on the verge of departure, Jasper abruptly interjected, “Mr. York, I wager you wouldn’t want me to disclose the scandal between you and Ms. Haab.”

“A scandal?” Warren halted in his tracks and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Simultaneously, Amelia furrowed her brow and instructed her mother to take Aiden to the car.

Matilda cast a concerned glance at Jasper before moving to take her grandson away at her daughter’s silent cue. However, Aiden vehemently refused to leave, insisting on staying by Amelia’s side to protect her.



Chapter 1127

“Today, Mr. York, you’ve brought Ms. Haab to this banquet, and she’s dressed exquisitely. Yet, I dare say, not many are aware of her stint in prison…” Jasper believed he held a trump card and intentionally lowered his voice as if wary of prying ears.

Upon hearing this, Warren’s gaze turned icy, his lips pressed into a tight line, and his expression darkened considerably.

Observing the change in Warren’s demeanor, Jasper perceived he had honed in on Warren’s vulnerability and became more motivated to press forward. “Furthermore, Ms. Haab is presently viewed as pregnant before marriage. If the child is born, it will be considered illegitimate. Should news of your association with an illegitimate child born to a woman with a criminal record circulate, Mr. York, both your family and your reputation could face a substantial blow.”

Nearby, when Aiden overheard the mention of an “illegitimate child,” a shadow of sadness clouded his young face.

This was because many people would label him as such when scorning him.

When he was younger, he couldn’t comprehend the concept of an illegitimate child. As he matured and grasped its meaning, he realized the term carried a heavy stigma.

Witnessing the sorrow etched on Aiden’s face, Amelia’s heart ached. She moved to his side and held his hand tightly. Then, she sternly addressed Jasper, “You have no right to pass such judgment on my children!”

“Gossip can be rather menacing, can’t it?” Jasper continued, directi words toward Amelia. “Ms. Haab, I believe you to be a reasonable Why don’t you try to convince Mr. York to avoid making a spectacle this situation? Otherwise, neither of you will enjoy a peaceful time if decide to disclose this scandal.”

Warren fixed Jasper with a chilling stare. His gaze was so icy that it was capable of freezing him on the spot.

“Neither of us will enjoy a peaceful time?” Warren responded by raising his hand and delivering a swift punch. In an instant, Jasper was knocked to the ground.

Soon, the altercation between the two drew the immediate attention of departing guests, creating a sudden uproar among the crowd.



Chapter 1127

Jasper struggled to rise from the ground, but before he could regain his footing, Warren seized his collar and hoisted him up, leaving him almost off the ground. “Should you ever harm Amelia, rest assured, I will not let you off lightly. Furthermore, your family will find no refuge in Strico. Keep in mind that I always stand by my words.”

The humiliation inflicted upon Jasper ignited a fierce rage within him. He couldn’t accept that this was the result he faced despite his attempts at compromise.

Observing Warren’s unwavering resolve not to spare the Yustone family, Jasper shouted defiantly, “Fine, Warren. I offered you a chance, but it seems you’re the one squandering it! Everyone, please pay attention. The woman standing beside Mr. Warren York has a criminal history and is currently pregnant out of wedlock! She’s carrying Warren’s child! Yet, it’s Warren we’re discussing. He wouldn’t dare to marry her! After all, she has a prison record!”

Alicia, standing not far from them, observed the unfolding incident as she exited the banquet hall with Ryan. A faint smile played on her lips as this turn of events was exactly what she had anticipated.

Considering Warren’s character, having taken action against Jasper for the latter’s doings, forgiveness wouldn’t come easily.

Simultaneously, knowing Jasper’s nature, if he failed to achieve his objectives, he would undoubtedly resort to exposing the fact that Amelia was a mistress and had a prior prison record in order to humiliate Warren.

This was the unfolding situation at that time.

However, what Alicia didn’t anticipate was the sudden emergence of a woman’s voice. “Ms. Haab was indeed imprisoned, but she was wrongfully convicted. The court has reexamined her case, and she has been proven innocent. How can you continue to make such false statements? Your words can be seen as slander, especially given the fact that you speak of this on such an occasion. It’s evident you intended to fuel rumors. Ms. Haab has every right to take criminal action against you, and if you’re found guilty, you could face up to three years in prison!”

Alicia turned toward the woman speaking and was shocked to discover that it was Rosalie, the wife of the esteemed man in Strico, Jonathan.

During the day’s banquet, Rosalie had been almost encircled by noblewomen from the upper echelons of society. Therefore, Alicia



Chapter 1127

couldn’t fathom why Rosalie would choose to defend Amelia.

Alicia found herself even more astonished when Rosalie approached Amelia and declared, “Amelia, if you wish to hold this man accountable, I am willing to be your representative lawyer.”

Amelia looked at Rosalie with gratitude and said, “Thank you, Rosalie.”

“You don’t have to thank me. You’re the godmother of my children!” Rosalie asserted, intentionally ensuring her words were heard by those around them.

Upon hearing this, Alicia was instantly overcome by waves of shock. She couldn’t believe that Amelia was the godmother of the triplets in the Youngblood family.

“What is happening? Amelia is just the proprietor of a concession stand. She has neither wealth nor influence. How could she be the godmother of those triplets?” Alicia screamed inwardly.

After all, with such a significant identity, Amelia has the freedom to do as she pleases in Strico!

“E-Even if she was wrongly convicted, she has been Warren’s mistress! How could the Youngblood family allow a person who is pregnant out of wedlock and willingly becomes someone else’s mistress to be the godmother of your children? Mrs. Youngblood, you mustn’t be deceived by her!”



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