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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1118

Chapter 1118

Amelia was getting ready to leave as she spoke.

Jasper stopped Amelia and said, “What are you doing? Warren hasn’t arrived yet today, and you’re already considering leaving?”

Amelia only smelled alcohol when Jasper came closer.

Ryan hurriedly grabbed Jasper and said, “Jasper, you’ve been drinking too much. Let’s not make things harder for her.” Then he smiled and said to Amelia, “Let’s invite Mr. York to have a meal with us. We’re all businessmen and mean no harm. If we can establish a business connection with Mr. York, it would benefit you as well. It’s a win-win situation. Ms. Haab, what do you think?”

Ryan pretended to speak on behalf of Amelia, but his real intention was to ask her to get Warren over. One could argue that one person portrayed the heroic character while the other embraced the role of the villain.

Amelia replied, “Warren and I have a different kind of relationship than you may think. If you want to engage with the York family for business, you can visit his company to meet him. There’s no need to do it in such an indirect way.”

Just as Amelia was about to leave again, Jasper grabbed her and

threatened, “Well, you seem ungrateful. Do you think the baby in your belly is a treasure? Believe it or not, I can easily make you lose your child today.”

Amelia was stunned, and Alicia, next to her, quickly said, “Amelia, please reconsider. Why not allow Warren to join us here? It’s merely a meal, after all. There’s no need to create unnecessary conflict. Mr. Yustone’s family background is complex, so it’s best not to offend him. I thought I was being generous by taking you out for dinner, but I certainly didn’t anticipate such a situation.”

Amelia looked down at her belly. It seemed like she was being lured into a trap today. If Warren did not show up, these people wouldn’t allow her to leave.

Jasper, in particular, was clearly the dominant person. He was

accustomed to being dominant. It was hard to say what such a person would do.

Also, she was too afraid to put the baby at risk.



Chapter 1118

As for Warren, Amelia couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. She just told Warren yesterday not to show up again, but today, she was looking for Warren again.

Amelia took her phone out of her bag and called Warren under the gaze of the group of people in the private room.

“Amelia?” Warren’s voice came from the other end of the phone, full of disbelief.

Amelia said, “It’s me. I’m having dinner with some people who really want to see you. So please come here. We’re at…’ Then, she told him the name, address, and private room number of the fondue restaurant.

At the other end of the phone, Warren seemed to ponder for a moment and then replied, “Okay, I’ll be right there.” After saying that, he ended the call.

Amelia informed everyone in the private room. “I’ve already called him. He should be here soon.”

Everyone suddenly became friendly. Jasper, who had previously prevented Amelia from leaving, also became friendly. He believed that Amelia was finally aware of what was happening. “Alas. It would have been better if this had happened earlier. We simply want to have a meal with Warren to discuss business. If the deal goes well, there will be advantages for you as well. Do you truly believe you can join the York family by having a baby? Unless the York family wanted to humiliate themselves, they wouldn’t marry a woman who has been in prison!”

Amelia remained silent and ignored Jasper. She had no interest in interacting with anyone in the room. However, Jasper mistakenly believed that Amelia had agreed with him.

Alicia’s eyes flashed when Jasper mentioned Amelia as “a woman who has been in prison.”

Alicia knew that if she, as Ryan’s mistress, wanted to become his wife, she would have to conceive a son. However, her past imprisonment was also a major obstacle.

Fortunately, Ryan’s wife gave birth to a daughter only. If she had a son and let Ryan bond with Warren, her chances of becoming his wife would greatly improve!

Thinking of this, she acted like she was helping Amelia and whispered,


Chapter 1118

“Amelia, I apologize. I intended to invite you to dinner, but I had no idea it would turn out this way. Ryan’s friends are quite well-off. Given situation, if we can earn some money, it will make us feel more sec the future.”

“Is that so?” Amelia asked faintly. She had always kept her relationship with Warren a secret from Alicia. Still, it was evident to everyone in the private room that Warren was the father of the baby growing inside her.

Upon reflection, Alicia might have seen Warren when she came to the concession stand.

According to the neighbors, Warren frequently parked his car near the concession stand and would watch it from inside his car.

Hence, everything was planned. Alicia visited the concession stand multiple times because of Warren. She schemed and invited her out to dinner.

“I’ll never harm you. We’re friends, after all,” Alicia whispered while feeling guilty and looking at Amelia.

In the private room, Ryan asked everyone to enjoy the food and drink. He also ordered desserts that were suitable for pregnant women. However, Amelia refused to eat or even drink water. Even though Alicia repeatedly urged Amelia to have some, Amelia still refused.

There was a subtle tension filling the room.


Jasper suddenly threw his fork on the table and shouted at Amelia, “Who do you believe yourself to be? Do you truly think highly of yourself just because you are associated with Warren? There have been few women standing behind a man like him. Who on earth do you think you are? Is it because you are pregnant that you believe you can behave in such a manner? Whether you believe it or not, if I were to instruct you to drink in front of him later, you would still have to oblige. He would not voice any objections on your behalf.”

“Who do you ask to have a drink?” Jasper’s words were interrupted by a voice as the door to the private room was pushed open.

Everyone in the private room was stunned and only saw a tail figure walking in. If it was not Warren, then who could it be?

Warren was dressed in a navy suit, and his hair was neatly combed. He appeared noble and elegant, though his face remained pale under the

Chapter 1118

light. Upon laying her eyes on Warren’s hand, Amelia noticed the presence of white bandages wrapped around it. It seemed that he went to the hospital yesterday to treat the wound.

Nevertheless, Warren was accompanied by multiple bodyguards. The tall and strong bodyguards made people feel intimidated when they entered the private room.

Seeing this, the others in the private room immediately changed their expressions. Ryan immediately stood up and greeted, “Hello, Mr. York. I’m Ryan Golding. I once met you at a seminar.”


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