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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1084

Chapter 1084

“Have you ever thought about it? If it weren’t for the existence of Yasmin this time, even if Callum knelt to that little boy, the child wouldn’t have saved Lillian either. And in the future, if something really happened to


who should I kneel to beg to save you? If anything happens to you next time and begging can really save your life, I will not hesitate to kneel and plead millions of times. But… there is no guarantee. I don’t want to bet on such slim chances.”

Warren spoke tearfully. Suffice to say, he had never spoken to others with such a voice in his lifetime.

Amelia was the only exception.

Nevertheless, she remained motionless and couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to what Warren was saying.

At this moment, Warren suddenly went down on his knees in front of her with a thud, and sounds of sharp inhalations instantly reverberated in the


“Amelia, Callum knelt to that boy solely for Lillian to wake up. I… I’ll also go down on my knees for you. Please, just consider your own safety, will you?” he implored extremely humbly.

Only then did Amelia finally open her eyes and look down at Warren, who was kneeling before her. “I’m a person. If I can’t even decide what to do with my body and have to be controlled by you, how can I still be considered a person? I have my own judgments and decisions; I don’t need others to make decisions for me!

She continued, “Warren York, had you really regarded me as a person and placed me in an equal position as you, you wouldn’t have treated me like this today! You keep claiming it’s for my own good, but in reality, you’re merely doing it for yourself.”

Every word of hers made him unable to retort.

“What’s the point of you kneeling in front of me now? Would you even forget about the abortion and let me go? If you can’t do it, then even if you cry bitterly, they’re simply crocodile tears,” she said coldly.

A trace of dejection flashed across Warren’s face. Previously, he finally managed to narrow the distance between them a little, but now, they had become farther apart again.



Chapter 1084

There was a myriad of emotions in Amelia’s eyes, such as her hatred, disregard, and apathy toward him, but there was no love.

Ever since a long time ago, she had already stopped loving him. At that time, he was the one who personally eradicated the love she had for him.

And now, he had, once again, wholly destroyed the possibility that she might fall in love with him one day.

“That’s right. I claimed I wanted her to believe that I loved her, but everything I’m doing now is making her lose all her faith in me!” mused Warren.

Warren slowly stood up and gazed at the person he loved most in his life, seemingly having made up his mind on something. “Do you really want to bet your life to give birth to this child? Even if you win, your body will be harmed, and your future health will not be guaranteed. You might have to endure a lifetime of burden.”

“How does this question of yours even matter now? Didn’t you already sentence this child to death?” she scoffed.

“Just answer me. Yes or no?”

Amelia met his eyes, and the expression on her face started changing mildly. “Yes,” came her reply.

“All right, it’s settled, then!” Warren then turned to the doctors and nurses standing aside, saying, “Today’s operation is canceled. You guys don’t have to stay here anymore.”

Hearing this, those medical personnel rapidly exited the operating room.

Amelia stared at Warren dazedly and couldn’t react for a moment. “What do you mean by this?”

“As you said, it is your body; I don’t have the right to decide whether to terminate your pregnancy or not. I assumed that I’m the person who cares about and loves you most, but, in fact… I’m the one who hurts you most,” Warren murmured. “I’m sorry for hurting you again.”

The man smiled wryly and staggered back a few steps, staring intently at her. “Amelia, I don’t want you to hate me, nor do I want you to never fall in love with me… Although I know that after today, you… will likely hate me to the core, I still hope you can… forgive me…”

After saying that, he turned around and left the operating room, his


Chapter 1084

originally straight back view looking like it had aged a ton at this


Shortly after, Warren’s subordinate walked into the operating room and informed, “Ms. Haab, Mr. York has asked me to take you back.”

Amelia was stunned. Some time passed before she followed the other party out of the operating room and into the car.

In the vehicle, she observed the red marks on her wrists that were left during her struggles by those who forcefully pinned her down on the operating table earlier.

Everything today had too great an impact on her, even making her rather tranced.

From when she was forced to go on the operating table to when Warren changed his mind and let her leave, everything seemed like’a rollèr coaster, causing her to still be unable to recollect herself.

After the car pulled over in front of the concession stand, Amelia alighted. Matilda had long been scanning the area outside the conce stand for ages. The moment she saw her daughter get out of the automobile, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, “What took you long? How were the results of the consultation?”

While speaking, Matilda glanced in the direction of the car again and discovered that Warren was not the driver. Thus, she queried, “What happened? Didn’t Warren come to pick you up this morning? Why didn’t he send you back?”

“He has something to deal with and has left.” Amelia didn’t want to tell her mother that she almost had an abortion. “Mom, let’s talk when we’re


The duo walked into the concession stand before Amelia shared, “The results of the consultation are similar to what I originally expected. For now, the fetus has little impact on my health until the seventh month. But generally, babies that are born at seven months via cesarean section have a decent chance of survival. By then, I’ll try to hold on to the baby for as long as possible. The more well-developed it is, the higher the chances of survival.”

She tried to understate the results of the consultation.

“How much impact will it have on your health exactly? If the impact is



Chapter 1084

too great…” Matilda started worriedly.

“If the impact is truly too great, the doctor will arrange for a C-section. Mom, rest assured. Now that medical technology is so advanced, there is nothing to worry about!”

Hearing her daughter’s words, Matilda began feeling somewhat relieved.

Meanwhile, Warren returned to his car but didn’t start the engine, simply leaning against the seat exhaustedly.

Out of nowhere, he laughed bitterly, thinking, “What the hell have I done? Everything I did today only served to widen the distance between Amelia and me, and in the end, I still failed to ignore her wishes and force her to go with the abortion mercilessly.”


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