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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1082

Chapter 1082

After they got out of the hospital, Warren asked, “Do you really still intend to give birth to this child?”

“Mhm. If it really gets to a point where I can’t hold on anymore, then I can only blame it on the fate of the child and me. Perhaps I am not destined to be the mother of this child,” answered Amelia.

“But do you think your liver will still be the same as it is now if we seriously get to that point? No one will know how much damage that will cause you!”

“I’m mentally prepared.” She looked down at her abdomen. “I’m gonna give it my best shot for this baby!”

Unfortunately, Warren couldn’t agree to that sentiment.

“Don’t you know how to cherish yourself a little more?”

“I will cherish myself, but at the same time, I know what I want. As you heard from the doctor today, it’s not impossible to have this baby. Although it will increase the risk to the mother’s body, the risks aren’t great until at least the seventh month. Furthermore, once the fetus is seven months old, there is actually a high chance that it can survive after being delivered. Medical technology is very advanced these days, unlike before.”

Warren fell silent, his thin lips virtually compressed into a straight line. “In other words, no matter what, you don’t intend to terminate the pregnancy now, huh?”

“Yes.” She gave him a positive answer.

Warren didn’t say anything more and entered the car with Amelia.

While he drove away from the hospital, she unconsciously dozed off soon after getting into the vehicle, likely due to slight fatigue.

From his peripheral vision, Warren glimpsed at the woman who was taking a nap, and his eyes flashed subtly.

Amelia had no idea how long she had slept, but when she abruptly opened her eyes, she discovered that the car was still driving on the road.

She rubbed her eyes. “How long have I been sleeping—” But before she could finish her words, she saw that the road ahead of her was an



Chapter 1082

unfamiliar one and not the way to the concession stand.

“Warren, where are you taking me?” she queried.

Yet, he simply answered, “We’ll be there soon.”

Amelia frowned, and shortly after, a private hospital gradually appeared in her sight.

Warren pulled the car over at the entrance of the private hospital, where several doctors in white coats and some men in suits had already come to greet him. “Mr. York, everything is ready,” one of them stated.

“Okay.” Warren turned to Amelia and said, “Come on. Let’s do some examinations here.”

For some reason, a strong sense of unease surged in Amelia’s heart, especially since Warren’s face was cold at this moment. When he spoke just now, he even deliberately avoided her eyes, which made her unease grow even stronger.

“I’ve already done all the examinations I need to do at Women’s Health Hospital. There’s nothing more to check,” Amelia said. “Warren, I want go back!”

Alas, he insisted, “This examination must be done!”

“It’s not necessary. If you don’t want to send me back, I can go home by myself.” While speaking, she turned around and attempted to leave.

However, he grabbed her arm without warning and declared, “Amelia, you must do this examination!”

Right then, a chill suddenly ran down Amelia’s back, and as if she realized something, her eyes widened as she glared at him incredulously. “You… want me to have an abortion?”

A trace of shame flickered across Warren’s face, but he ultimately didn’t deny it. “Yes. The existence of this child will only wear out your body and threaten your health. It’s like a time bomb buried in your body. I can’t allow it to continue existing.”

All of a sudden, she sneered, “Bomb? You actually described your child as a bomb?”

He kept silent and just dragged her toward the hospital.

“Let go of me! Let go!” Amelia struggled desperately, trying to break free



apter 1082

from his grip and escape, but his hand still firmly clasped her arm and refused to relax.


His slender fingers were practically akin to steel bars now.

Panicked, she opened her mouth and bit his hand.

Warren furrowed his brows, while the people trailing them at the side exclaimed, “Ah, Mr. York! Your…”

Those people wanted to pull Amelia’s mouth away from Warren’s hand, but Warren yelled, “Don’t touch her!”

Instantly, those people dared not move anymore.

Warren’s gaze fell on Amelia as he expressed in a deep voice, “Even if you bite my hand off today, I still want you to have an abortion. Amelia, I dare not bet your life on that kind of possibility!”

He was even more terrified, particularly after seeing Lillian’s situation.

Even though Lillian had already woken up now, that was all thanks to a small bowl of blood from that child of the Woolbright family. Up till now, no one could tell why that was the case either.

Besides, Warren had never liked placing hope on some illusory possibilities.

Though that child could save Lillian, it didn’t mean that in the future, if something really happened to Amelia, she could also be saved.

What was more, the real reason why that child was willing to save others was all because of Lillian’s daughter.

Amelia’s body shook, and she tasted the metallic tang of blood in her mouth. It was the blood flowing from where she bit him on his hand.

Steeling herself, she bit down harder, but despite the blood in her mouth tasting stronger, he still refused to let go.

“Why do you” She finally released Warren. His hand was already dripping with blood from her bite now.

“As I said, I don’t want to risk losing you just because of a child. Even if this hand is completely crippled today, this child must go!” After saying that, Warren picked her up in a bridal carry and strode toward the




Chapter 1082

“Warren York, put me down! Put me down…” Amelia resisted even harder. Every time she shouted, she felt like the taste of blood in her mouth was drowning her out.

When Warren brought her to the operating room, she was pretty much on the brink of despair!

“What gives you the right to do this, Warren York? Why are you the one to decide whether to keep this baby or not? If you force me to have an abortion, I could press charges on you!” she screamed.

“Go ahead, then. It doesn’t matter how many years I need to be

incarcerated!” he responded. What he wanted was purely for her to be safe and sound.

Following that, Warren turned to the doctors and nurses who had long been waiting for them. “Start the operation. I’ll bear all the responsibility.”

As such, the doctors and nurses took over Amelia and propelled her to the operating table while the anesthesiologist began to prepare the


Amelia’s blood ran cold as she was forced to lie on the operating table.

“Am I going to lose this child just like that? And in this way, no less?” she pondered mournfully.



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