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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070

Although she’d considered having an abortion, hearing it from another felt surprisingly horrible.

She had mentally prepared herself and was determined to give birth to the child no matter how challenging it would be. “Is it going to end like this?” she questioned herself internally.

“I don’t want to terminate the pregnancy,” Amelia said.

Warren’s face darkened at that. His gut reaction was to terminate the pregnancy when he heard her life would be endangered.

While he cared about the unborn child a lot, Amelia was far more important to him.

He had almost lost her when she was diagnosed with liver cancer. How could he afford to risk her life again when it was such a close call that she survived?

“Amelia, why don’t you obey the doctor? No one knows what will happen if we allow the child to continue growing. Besides, there’s still Aiden that you have to consider. What will happen to him if something happens to you?” He attempted to persuade her. “What about me?” The final question remained unsaid.

Amelia felt a dull pain in her heart. It was true that she still had Aiden and her mother.

What would be left of them if something were to happen to her? Aiden was still too young while her mother was well on in her years.

However, she simply couldn’t forsake the tiny life inside her belly right


She’d accepted her unborn child wholeheartedly from the moment she viewed its heart and fetal pole from the B-scan.

Yet the fetus was as much her child as Aiden was.

“Dr. Howard, please help me think of a solution as an authoritative expert in this field. I really want to give birth to this child. I’ve been pretty healthy for the past few years and haven’t had any major ailments other than the occasional ache from the aftereffects of liver cancer. Besides, what you mentioned was only a possibility and might not necessarily be



Chapter 1070

dangerous, right?” Amelia implored sincerely.

Shannon sighed at that, “In that case, we’d need to proceed with a specialist consultation to determine the results of your diagnosis. We’ll also invite liver experts from other hospitals to oversee the procedures. You’ll have to undergo a check-up first”

Warren piped up, “Hold up. I’m sorry, but I would like to have a word with my wife.” He gazed at Amelia gravely. “Are you sure you want to give birth to this child?”

“Yes,” she replied.

“Don’t you know that there are risks?” he then asked.

“I’m willing to give this child a shot at survival unless there’s a hundred percent chance of it being dangerous,” replied Amelia.

Warren’s expression was dour, and he took some time to respond, “What if I don’t want you to keep it?”

She smiled suddenly, “Weren’t you the one that was so adamant that I keep this baby from the start? You were so firmly against me when I wanted an abortion.”

“Things were different back then!” He certainly wished for the child to be born if she’d be safe and sound.

Nevertheless, that didn’t mean he would exchange Amelia’s life for the child.

Amelia was implacable and addressed the specialist doctor, “Dr. Howard, could you provide me an examination form and arrange a consultation? I want to keep this child.”

Shannon’s gaze darted between Amelia and the sullen Warren before nodding and preparing the examination form.

Amelia completed her check-up under the nurse’s arrangement and got into the car with Warren.

Their journey back home was silent.

Warren drove to the concession stand, and Matilda inquired hurriedly when she noticed they were back, “What took you both so long? It has been a day. How did the prenatal examination go? Is everything all right?”

“All’s good, Mom.” Amelia smiled as usual.



Chapter 1070

“What do you mean by that? Are you still planning to hide it?” Warren interjected and came clean with Matilda.

Matilda was instantly filled with worry. “There will be risks? What should we do, then?”

Warren replied, “Matilda, could you advise Amelia to let this child go? Her body is far more important. We can adopt one if she genuinely wants another child. I’m fine with anything as long as nothing happens to her.”

Matilda stared at her daughter anxiously. “Warren has a point. Why don’t you…”

“Mom, the result from the doctor’s consultation hasn’t even been released yet. It’s too hasty for us to decide this early. I would regret for the rest of my life if I deprived my child of the chance of coming to this world by terminating their life.” Amelia fixed her stare on Matilda. “Mom, I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to be eternally guilt-ridden.”

Matilda could only sigh heavily.

Warren queried, “Will you still insist on giving birth if the results aren’t optimistic?”

“That depends on how severe the situation is,” Amelia insisted.

Warren was shrouded in remorse all at once.

There were few things Warren had ever regretted doing.

If his treatment of Amelia back then was the first thing he deeply regretted, the second would be getting her pregnant impulsively while drunk.

He wouldn’t have made her conceive If he’d known she would be exposed to such danger once pregnant. “To think that I’d used to prevent her from having an abortion!”

Warren wanted for nothing more than to slap himself several times and did indeed go ahead with it.

There was clear swelling on Warren’s face when Rosalie saw him.

“Did Amelia hit you?” Rosalie asked. After all, Amelia was the one likeliest to leave such a mark on Warren’s face, in Rosalie’s opinion.

“I did,” Warren said.



Chapter 1070

Rosalie was at a loss for words.

“I’m here today to ask for help. I will spare no effort to aid you or the Youngblood family when necessary if you’ll assist me! Just treat it as me owing you a huge favor, all right?” said Warren.

It was rare for the head of the Yates family to say such a thing.

Rosalie’s shapely brows furrowed. “I fear I won’t be much help on this front if this is about Amelia.” She’d assumed he wanted her to put in a good word or two on his behalf and act as a go-between to reconcile their relationship.


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