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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1063

Chapter 1063

“Do we have to be lovey-dovey to get married?” Warren said displeasedly.

“I can tell that you have no feelings for each other. Even if you are married, you will get divorced sooner or later,” the woman said.

But then, the man’s hostile glare sent a chill down her spine, and the woman dared not say anything more. On the other hand, Amelia knew that Warren was angry.

“She’s just an outsider,” Amelia couldn’t help but say. After all, the woman was also a victim in her marriage, and it was just a casual conversation. Warren didn’t need to get angry with the woman because of those words.

Warren’s gaze shifted to Amelia, and the hostility in his eyes slowly faded. Finally, he returned to his usual self.

Actually, he had an uncontrollable rage at that moment when the woman said they would get divorced sooner or later.

Even though he knew their marriage was a temporary solution, he couldn’t help but imagine that when the time came, she might not divorce him and would be willing to stay with him as a couple for the rest of their lives.

Meanwhile, Warren and Amelia’s queue number was called. They got up and went to counter No. 5, handing over their ID cards and household registry to the staff.

After filling out the registration form, it was time to take the photos required for the marriage certificate.

Amelia and Warren sat in the chairs facing the camera as requested by the photographer, who looked dissatisfied.

“What’s wrong with you two? You’re here to get married and become husband and wife, so bring your heads closer together and smile more on your face! Only then will it look like you are getting married!” the photographer nagged.

“It doesn’t matter, Sir. Just take the photo. Anyway, it’s just a photo required for the marriage certificate,” Amelia said lightly as if she didn’t care how the photo would look.

“Then… Then I’ll just shoot it like this! Don’t complain if it doesn’t look



Chapter 1063

good,” the photographer said displeasedly.

“Sure,” Amelia answered calmly.

Warren smiled bitterly and said nothing. She was not even willing to smile with him in the wedding photo.

For her, the meaning of today’s marriage was only for the sake of the child.

However, for him, today was a momentous day. He was going to marry the one woman he had ever wanted to marry in his life.

The photos were taken swiftly, and the photographer added, “Later, you will proceed to the stage to exchange your vows before receiving your marriage certificate. Would you like to have a photography service during the announcement? We can capture pictures for you, and then you can select seven of them to be printed on the spot. This service is available for just 10 dollars, and it also serves as a souvenir.”

Generally speaking, many newlyweds would choose to have that photography service. After all, 10 dollars was not much, and the photos were a lifelong memento.

“No,” Amelia replied without a second thought.

The photographer turned to look at Warren. “If she says no, Warren said calmly.

then no,”

When it was their turn to make the announcement on stage, they recited the wedding vows word for word after the staff.

“From this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, young or old, we will love and support each other through thick and thin, weal and woe, in joy and in sorrow, and become lifelong partners…” Amelia and Warren recited in unison.

Amelia’s voice was faint without any fluctuation as if she was just reciting it mechanically. To her, those vows had no meaning.

But for Warren, those vows were lifelong.

Warren stared at Amelia as he read the vows.

Amelia didn’t know how grateful he was to her for keeping the baby.

For him, today was the marriage of his life, even if they would divorce in the future. By the time he got old and lay in a coffin, he could at least tell



Chapter 1063

himself that she had once been his wife.

In fact, it was a great honor for him to have the title of husband and wife

with her in this life.

Even if the marriage was only in name and a tool, he secretly told himself that he should be content.

Warren and Amelia each had a marriage certificate in their hands when they came out of City Hall.

Warren said, “I’ll send you home.”

“No, I’ll take the bus back myself,” Amelia refused.

Warren said bitterly, “Even after we become husband and wife, are you still going to reject me like this?”

“You know very well that our marriage is only for the child,” Amelia said.

Warren was silent, as he knew that better than anyone else.

She would probably be disgusted to spend even a moment with him if it weren’t for the child.

“By the way, come with me to register for the birth permit when you’re free,” Amelia said.

“Okay, you set the time. We will do it whenever you want,” Warren said.

Amelia didn’t say anything when she heard that. She turned and walked toward the bus station.

Warren stared at her back in a daze until her figure disappeared from his sight, and he laughed mockingly at himself. Then he turned around and returned to the photo booth at City Hall.

“Here. These are the photos taken when you took the vows just now. Please choose seven of them,” the photographer said.

At first, the photographer thought the couple didn’t want the extra photography service, but unexpectedly, the man came by later and secretly asked for it.

“Give me all the photos. You don’t have to print them. Just send them to my email,” Warren said.

“All of them?” The photographer was stunned for a moment and then



said. “Even if you don’t want to print them, all these photos will cost more than 10 dollars

How much do you want? Warren asked without hesitation.

The photographer set a price, and Warren paid him right away. After the photographer sent the photos to Warren’s email, he couldn’t help but say. “You and your wife don’t seem to be on good terms. Did you have a quarrel? You two have to work hard together as newlyweds! Couples will always make up with each other, no matter what happens. If you talk sweetly and show attentiveness to your wife, she will forgive you in a few days!”


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