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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1059

Chapter 1059

Warren pursed his thin lips as his deep eyes stared at Amelia,

The two looked at each other.

After a long time, Warren said, “As long as Lucas doesn’t mess with me, I won’t touch him.”

He would always give in and be utterly defeated whenever he faced Amelia.

Amelia breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he would not touch Lucas.

“Alright, I won’t hurt Lucas. So can you keep the baby?” Warren’s voice rang in the room again.

Amelia’s expression froze slightly before she bit her lips and said, “You can have many children if you want. You don’t need to focus on

Warren smiled bitterly.


He could have many children if he wanted, but none of them were her and his children.

All he wanted was just their children.

“So, do you still refuse to keep the baby?” Warren asked as he stared at Amelia.

Amelia took a deep breath. “Warren, I’ve made up my mind. You know I won’t change my mind so easily.”

“It’s because I hurt you too much, isn’t it? So even if you keep saying you forgive me, you actually still hate me and don’t even want this child to have a chance to come into the world, right?” he asked.

She was silent because she did not know how to respond.

“What if I suffer the pain you suffered? Can you give birth to this baby?” Warren asked in a whisper.

Amelia paused and looked at the person in front of her in confusion. She did not understand what he meant.

However, she soon understood and stared at him in astonishment. Meanwhile, blood kept oozing from his arm,


Chapter 1039

“What are you doing?” Amelia shouted unconsciously as she watched the blood soak through the cloth on his arm. Then, it dripped to the ground.

Warren murmured, “I’m here to suffer the pains you suffered… I’ll suffer everything you’ve suffered. That way, will you give birth to the baby?”

As he spoke, the dagger he held cut his body.

There was instantly another injury on his body, and blood dripped from

“Warren, stop it! Stop!” Amelia shouted.

However, he just gazed at her. “Promise me that you won’t kill this child.”

Then, he cut himself a second time.

It was as if he was telling her with his actions that he would keep on hurting himself like that if she rejected him.

“Warren, why are you forcing me? If you keep doing this, the only person who will die in the end is you!” Amelia responded. Something seemed to be pressing her chest, leaving her almost out of breath.

“Yes, I know I’m despicable, but apart from that, I don’t know how make up for my mistakes and persuade you to keep this child… V looked down, mocking himself. “If you really don’t want to keep t baby, maybe… it’s a good thing that I just bleed out like this.”

Amelia’s pupils shrank as she wondered, “Is he trying to… make him die?”

“You saved me back then. Without your bone marrow, I would have di long ago. So there’s nothing wrong with repaying you with my life,” Warren murmured.

He seemed to have given up everything as he cut himself with the dagger again, and there was another wound on his body.

There was more and more blood on his clothes.

Amelia got more and more frightened, Seeing that Warren was about to cut another wound on himself, she rushed forward and grabbed his hand.

“Warren, stop hurting yourself!” Amelia said.

Warren’s eyelashes trembled as he looked up at her. “You don’t want me


Chapter 1059

to die, do you? You still have feelings for me, don’t you, Amelia?”

Amelia pursed her lips. “Even if I have no feelings for you, I’m not cold-blooded enough to watch you bleed to death!”

She answered as she carefully took away the dagger in Warren’s hand.

Fortunately, he did not insist on holding the dagger, so everything went well.

Warren kept bleeding, and his face was getting paler and paler. If it continued, he would lose a lot of blood.

Amelia immediately said, “We have to stop the bleeding now, and then I’ll take you to the hospital! Where’s the medical kit? Do you have gauze and cotton?”

However, before she could finish speaking, Warren suddenly hugged her.

Amelia was startled. “Warren, let go of me. You’re injured!”

He didn’t seem to care and still held her tightly. Suddenly, a bloody smell rushed into her mouth and nose as if trying to envelop her.

“Will you… give birth to the baby?” He persisted on the question.

Amelia trembled. Just as she wondered how to answer, the door was suddenly opened. Rosalie, Jonathan, and some bodyguards barged in.

Rosalie was startled to see the scene in front of her.

“What happened? Amelia, you and Warren…” Rosalie asked hurriedly.

“He was cut with a dagger and lost a lot of blood. He needs to be. bandaged quickly and sent to the hospital, Amelia replied.

Rosalie hurriedly had someone separate Amelia from Warren and treat his wounds first.

However, Warren kept holding Amelia’s hand while his wounds were being treated. Even when he was getting in the car, about to be sent to the hospital, Warren still held Amelia’s hand tightly.

Amelia could not break free from Warren’s grip, so she got into the car where Warren was and went to the hospital with him.

Rosalie and Jonathan got into another car.

Rosalie muttered, “It’s a good thing that Amelia isn’t injured. What the

Chapter 1059

hell is going on with Warren? Why did he hurt himself?”

When they barged in, she almost thought that Warren had hurt Amelia.

“Because he was reluctant to hurt Amelia, he could only hurt himself,” Jonathan answered.

“He’s too extreme if that’s true. If Amelia had been indifferent, he would. have died if we didn’t come!” Rosalie said.

“He’s just betting that there’s no way Amelia would be indifferent,” Jonathan said calmly.

“In this case, the stakes are too high. He’s risking his life!” Rosalie answered with a frown.

“That’s because it doesn’t matter to him even if he really loses,” Jonathan said.


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