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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016

Amelia cast her eyes downward and let out a sigh. “Yes, if he wants children, he can have plenty of healthy


“So, don’t even think about giving Aiden to Warren. The principal and the teachers at school now know that Aiden has Rosalie as his godmother. No one will dare to bully him anymore.”

Matilda paused and said, “Besides, Aiden is your everything. If you hand him to Warren, what about you? Can you stand it?”

“Mom, it’s getting late. You should rest,” Amelia told her mother.

Once Matilda left the room, Amelia’s gaze shifted to her son’s still-red and swollen face.

Aiden was her life, and she could risk her life for him.

She would do whatever it took to secure a better future for Aiden, no matter what sacrifices were


In the evening, Rosalie discussed the school incident with Jonathan, including the need for Aiden to get a new cochlear implant.

“Seeing Aiden hurt today broke my heart. I can’t imagine how Amelia felt,” Rosalie said. Aiden was a well-behaved child, so he wouldn’t resort to violence. if he wasn’t forced into a corner.

Jonathan offered words of comfort. “After today, I doubt anyone at school will dare to bully him again.”

“Of course. The principal will probably inform all the other teachers in the school. I worry that even if they no longer bully him openly, they might isolate him due to his disability. He’s only in elementary school now, but there are middle and high school ahead.”

“No one can bear that for him. He has to face these challenges on his own,” Jonathan told her. “He’s a strong boy, and he’ll have to grow up. It’s the only way he can protect the people he cares about in the future.”

“Hopefully Aiden will be strong,” Rosalie said. The conversation shifted to the upcoming birthday of her triplets.

The triplets’ birthdays were near, and it was their first birthday together after being reunited. Rosalie wanted it to be special.

The triplets’ birthday was approaching, and this would be their first birthday celebration together since. they were reunited. It was an opportunity to officially introduce the Youngblood family’s triplets to the world.

Initially, Rosalie had hoped for a simple and warm celebration, but she knew that their first celebration after being reunited should be grander.

When Rosalie saw the guest list that Jonathan had presented to her, she was left in astonishment.

“Is this really necessary for a children’s birthday banquet? Do all these people have to attend?” Jonathan explained, “It’s better to invite them all rather than leaving some out. Some people might overthink if we left some out.”

While Rosalie understood the reasoning, the list full of influential people in Strico appeared more suited to a high-society event than a children’s birthday banquet.

Meanwhile, in the Youngblood residence, Felix was contemplating the triplets’ upcoming birthday. Gary informed him that a grand banquet was planned, but he couldn’t attend.

“You’re aware of your mother’s history with the Youngblood family. If you attend and the media takes photos, it could reveal your identity and cause complications for the Youngblood family. So, during the birthday banquet, you should stay in your room. Do you understand?”

Gary’s words echoed in his mind again.

Felix had wished to celebrate her birthday with her, but now he was resigned to staying in his room during the banquet.

“Felix, what’s wrong?” Jennifer’s adorable voice rang in Felix’s ears.

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He snapped out of his thoughts and quickly looked at the child in front of him.

“Did you hear what I said earlier?” she inquired.

“What?” he asked.

“In a week, it’ll be my birthday, and you mustn’t forget to give me a present!” Jennifer eagerly requested a gift.

“A gift?” He was stunned.

“You don’t have a gift?” Her beautiful eyes blinked, and it seemed like her expectations were fading, making Felix feel a deep sense of guilt.

It was as if not getting her a birthday gift would be a grave offense.

“What… What kind of gift do you want?” he stuttered.

“Of course, it has to be a surprise,” she said with a mature expression. “You should give it to me in front of. everyone!”

She even giggled out loud.

Felix looked at her, feeling helpless because he couldn’t attend her birthday banquet, let alone give her a gift in front of everyone. However, he couldn’t bear to see her smile turn into disappointment. Unable to contain himself, he blurted out, “Okay.” He didn’t want to see her getting disappointed. Jennifer, satisfied with his response, snuggled under her small blanket next to him and quickly fell asleep. Felix, however, couldn’t find peace. He gazed at Jennifer’s peaceful sleeping face with his sharp black-and-white eyes.

He wished he could attend her birthday banquet and give her a gift in front of everyone as she wanted!

The idea of a gift consumed Felix, but he had no idea what to give.

He had no money as the Youngblood family provided everything for him. Even if he wanted to fold a crane, a gift he had in mind, the paper was provided by the Youngblood family.

During the lunch break, he discreetly slipped out of the kindergarten, hoping to explore the streets for a suitable gift for Jennifer.

However, he soon realized that everything he saw required money, which he didn’t have.

He wondered if he could buy a gift for Jennifer if he had money. Thinking of this, he held the note in his hand tightly.

He thought, “The man I am supposed to call ‘Daddy’ sounds wealthy. Will he give me money if I ask?” Unbeknownst to Felix, not far away, Wyatt was watching him from his parked black car.

Felix looked up, talking to a passing woman. The woman pulled out her phone and took the piece of paper from him to make a call.

After a while, Wyatt’s phone rang, and the woman’s voice came. “Hello, sir. Your son is on the street alone now. He asked me to call you here to pick him up.”

The woman reported the specific location. Felix’s clear voice came through, “Daddy, I’m Felix. Can you come pick me up?”


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