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The Art of Revenge Chapter 66

Jessica’s pov

Everything seemed to be crumbling in front of my eyes, and I began to question if it was time to flee. I was squandering both my time and my attractiveness. Josh was not just overweight, but he had also lost his silly brain and was no longer interested in fighting either for the company or our marriage.

He hadn’t slept since he laid his eyes on Thalia, for the past two days he was up all night drinking himself to death and blaming me for our childless marriage. I almost snapped and told him the truth the other day when Victor walked in and whisked me away.

The insults were beginning to be too much for me and for all the wealth and power Thalia acquired his only focus was the fact that she was pregnant while I was not.

I couldn’t understand why Victor insisted on not telling his obnoxious son everything. We wouldn’t have gotten to the point where everything was too messy to tell him if we hadn’t chosen to lie to him in the first place.

I needed to start planning my next step, but I had no idea what to do; no agency wanted to sign me, despite the fact that I had never worked for Gentex, my crime was that I was married to Josh.

Thalia and her useless finance made sure that no company hired me. I did not require proof. Victor was correct; she was the source of our misery.

I had intended to offer her my piece of mind yesterday, but she wasn’t in her office, not even Victor was successful enough to find her at the office. It was as if she materialized out of nowhere to notify us that we were being screwed and then vanished.

Her foolish employees didn’t know her address, and she didn’t have a page or a social media account. Her line was off, she vanished completely off the face of the world.

What was even weirder was the fact that it had been two years since anyone saw her Fiance. Everything seemed to be out of whack and nothing was making sense.

The door opened and Victor walked in “Get your coat, we need to talk,” he ordered.

“Did you manage to locate the sc*mbag?” I enquired.

“Forget about her for a moment,” he murmured, motioning me to join him. I could tell he was furious, so I grabbed my coat and followed him to his car. He drove for a few minutes before stopping and telling me to exit the vehicle. I took a look around and realized we were parked in the center of the street. “Can you tell me what’s going on?” I inquired.

“Just get out of the car,” he answered.

I got off, and he did the same.

“What’s going on?” I enquired.

“Brandon Fraser has ears everywhere, and our house could be bugged,” he explained.

I stared at him confused, “so that’s why I brought you here? Are you saying he and ugly Thalia have been watching us?”

“That’s how Brandon works; right now, my people are sweeping the house and office for anything,” he responded.

My stomach dropped as I realized Thalia would have had a front-row ticket to all the sh*t that went on in my useless life. I knelt in shame, feeling like crying, but instead ended up yelling at the top of my lungs.

I wanted Thalia, I wanted her head on the silver platter. The b*tch had seen all the hell her ex-husband had put me through.

“Calm down,” Victor stated, “I’m not even on the terrible news yet.” What was worse than Thalia knowing everything, I thought to myself as I glanced up at him?

“Do they know Josh is impotent?” I asked, if they were watching us it was only inevitable.

“No, we’ve never talked about it in the house, and if they knew, Thalia would have already informed Josh to spite him.”

“You are correct,” I replied.

“Anyway, almost all of our shareholders have sold their shares to a private buyer,” he remarked. “After consulting with lawyers, we discovered our people are secretly selling off and jumping off the sinking ship.”

“Does Josh know?” I stood up and asked.

“He’s too deranged to care,” he replied.

” Brandon Fraser,?” I posed the question.

“That’s how he works; he’s gradually taking over the company while we were dealing with the lawsuits.”

He grabbed my hands and said, “We found the individual who has been sabotaging us all this while.”

I felt like I was going to suffocate as he told me to breathe in, I had always assumed our misfortune was due to karma. Even when the news of Thalia’s disappearance broke, I felt horrible for her when in actual fact she was the one responsible for the hell I was going through

“Calm down, Jessica; I need you to be strong for what I’m about to say,”

“I want Thalia to die, and I want her to die forever!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

“But first, we have to make sure they don’t find out regarding your incapacity to conceive,” he explained.

I came to a halt and stared at him; his son was the one who was dead in his pants, and there was no way out. He let go of my hands and turned around to face the opposite direction.

“Simply instruct Josh to alter the clause,” I reminded him. It was long overdue.

“He holds me responsible for everything. Last night, I attempted and he told me to shove the company in my a*s. He’ll simply give the company over to Brandon, and if he switches it to him, I do not trust him, he might gamble the company away. He has started gambling.”

“So, what are you proposing? Please tell me you have a strategy in mind.” I was in tears. “I don’t have anything, and Brandon cr*p has ensured that no firm will hire me.”

“I’m sure you’ll return to prostitution,” he stated as if he was putting salt on my wounds.

“Shut up! I’m not returning to that life! Never! Before I return, Thalia will be dead!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

“Then became pregnant,” he suggested.

“And how do you expect I become pregnant last time I checked your son had no sperm,” I joked, not knowing whether he was getting too old or if he, like his wife, was suffering from dementia.”

” You will get pregnant by my sperm” he replied without shame.

My hand went up in an attempt to slap the fool, but he grabbed it. “You’re better than me when it comes to making compromises in life,” he stated.

I spat on him with pleasure, it was an insult that he even had the audacity to request me to do such nonsense.

I had no problem cheating on Josh, in fact, I would only be returning the favor but cheating on him with his father and on top of it getting pregnant was so low and inhumane. Who did he think I was?

“Take me back to my residence,” I yelled at him.

He swiftly released my grip and wiped the drool from his brow. “If you get pregnant, you become a stakeholder through the child,” he explained.

“Are you an animal? How dare you recommend that your son’s wife be impregnated by you! Josh was correct in his assessment of you; you are egotistical and will drag anyone along with you to get what you want!” I became enraged and yelled at him.

He chuckled and averted his gaze. He answered, “It’s not like I’m asking you to do something we’ve never done before.”

I approached him and slammed into him, nearly knocking him out. “You m*ron, it was a long time ago, long before I even met Josh!” He turned around and grabbed me, dragging me towards the car and pinning me.

“How do you suppose Thalia got Brandon to do her dirty deed for her?” He asked but I merely gazed at him.

“Do you think she just happened to run into him and told him her story, and he agreed to assist her? She probably sacrificed her soul or even worse,” he continued, his eyes wide open as though possessed.

I attempted to shove him away from me, but he was clinging to me. “Yes, what am proposing is unethical, but your marriage is already a sham; Josh is probably f**king some street wh*re, and if you divorce him, you won’t even get a spoon from the kitchen because everything belongs to Thalia or the Bank!” he spat out.

We were so close and practically breathing each other’s air. “You know what, you know what? Josh was persuaded that you were the problem, and he proceeded to f**k his lawyer raw in the hopes of having an heir,” he said.

I turned to face him, assuming he was lying and attempting to manipulate me. “Ask him if he f**ks wh*res with condoms? Or better still, look through his wallet for condoms,” he continued.

I stared at him without responding; “I’m not pressuring you; I’m only presenting a proposition. You get pregnant, tell Josh it’s his, and he regains his will to battle for the company; then I can urge him, or even influence him, to modify the provision to wife, kid, and sibling. It’s a win-win situation for you because you’ll get something regardless of how horrible things turn out.”

I kept staring at him, stunned at how a father would betray his own son for financial gain. He let go of my hand and started putting his jacket back together. When his phone beeped, he got it out of his pockets, opened it, and turned to face me.

“My men have completed their search, and I was correct in my assumption that Thalia was listening to us and watching us. Get in the car,’ he urged, motioning me to do so. I gathered my belongings and slid into the rear seat, avoiding eye contact.

I couldn’t look him in the eyes with what he’d just proposed, but he was correct about one thing: My marriage to Josh had ended, and I had nothing, no money, no home, and no job? Thalia was going to see to it that I was degraded to the same level as she was. Having a kid with Victor, however, was a taboo, there had to be another better solution.

When we got to the family house, his men were already waiting for us. “Are you able to figure out who owns the equipment?” Victor enquired

The man responded, “Josh, your son.”

Victor and I exchanged puzzled looks before he walked up to the man and took the microphone and cameras, confirming that they had been installed by Josh’s security company.

He got out his phone and contacted the security firm’s manager, who confirmed that his men had been dispatched to our house, the family’s residence, and the company.

When questioned who gave the order, he said the company owner via a memorandum, which he promptly sent. We could obviously see that the signature was neither Josh’s nor Victor’s.

I watched as Victor’s face began to turn purple, and he yelled and flung his phone against the wall. “The idiot has bought our security company!”

“How?” I asked confused.

“Using the back door, this is why you should think about my proposal, Brandon Fraser has already corrupted everything in the company, it is only the inheritance shares that he can’t touch,” he said to me but I only stared at him.

He walked out of the house and demanded for an answer by noon tomorrow.

I was left staring at the smashed cameras, we were definitely dealing with someone dangerous. We couldn’t even take him to court for invasion of our privacy because he had made sure to use our company, our dumb company.


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