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Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband Chapter 885

Chapter 885 Disappeared Without a Sign?

“We don’t know what’s going on. Just now, the waiter said that there was a voice coming from inside. He knocked on the door several times but there was no response, and the door was locked. I found a spare key and opened the door. As a result, Dr. Lane and the beautician were not there inside.”

It was the director of the beauty salon who reported the situation to Georgia.

She had been working in a beauty salon for many years, and she had never encountered this situation before, so she was a little confused as well.

Georgia said, “Who are you? My auntie is missing?”

Georgia hurriedly pushed away the director and several other waiters, and rushed into the beauty salon, only to see the things lying in a mess, and a lot of mask mud spilled on the ground.

But in the small space of the beauty salon, it was empty, and there was no one person.

Georgia said, “It’s not right!”

Georgia looked at the scattered things on the ground and felt that they must be traces of a fight.

Georgia said, “My auntie may have been kidnapped. You have to call the police immediately!”

The director was a little embarrassed, “But if you call the police, the business of our store will be over.”

Georgia said, “Are you still in the mood to think about your business at this moment? You know, if something happens to my auntie, my uncle Byron will definitely make you suffer.”

When the director heard the word “Byron”, she immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly called the police herself.

And Georgia immediately called Byron.

The moment the phone was connected, Georgia felt a sore nose. She said, “Uncle…”

Her uncle was looking forward to the wedding so much.

But at this time, when the wedding was just around the corner. What should he do if Auntie really has trouble?

Byron said, “Georgia? Are you still in the beauty salon? I’m coming soon. Don’t tell Cora. I plan to surprise her.”

Byron originally told Cora that he would not return to New York until evening, and he and Cora made an appointment to meet at the airport.

But in order to create a surprise for Cora, he took care of all the difficult things last night and returned early.

Hearing Byron’s joyful tone, Georgia couldn’t help but burst into


Georgia said, “Uncle, hurry up to the beauty salon, Auntie seems to have been kidnapped and disappeared without a sign!”

Byron was shocked and said, “What!”

A few minutes later, Byron appeared in the beauty salon.

Even though he already knew from Georgia on the phone that Cora was missing, when he arrived at the seemingly closed beauty room, Byron still felt like his heart was about to jump out.

of his throat.

After seeing Byron’s innate aura of superiority, the director followed behind him and explained everything that happened today.

The director said, “We really don’t know what’s going on. This beautician has always been doing maintenance for Dr. Lane, so when she came today, we also arranged for the same person.”

“That is not true. Today is not the beautician before! The one you arranged for today is a newcomer.” Georgia said hastily, remembering the new beautician before.

But the director said, “No, the beauticians in our store are all professionally trained, and newco.ners will not be hired.”

Her words were also supported by other employees. “Yes, we have to train for a long time before we start work. There have been no new colleagues recently!”

Georgia said, “But what we saw today is really a new beautician. I saw Auntie is a little bit repulsed, and I planned to change someone with her.”

the beauty salon, his eyes finally fixed on


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