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Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband Chapter 686

Chapter 686 Byron Came to Visit Her

“So, haven’t you seen Jane yet? Why did you call me now? Are you cheating?”

Flora was also cautious.

After all, now, only she could rescue Jane so that jane would not spend the rest of her life wasted in prison.

“My son is in your hands. What can I cheat? I don’t want to

waste too much time.”

After Cora finished speaking, Flora was silent for several

seconds, as if thinking about the authenticity of Cora’s words.

Cora was afraid that she would hang up the phone, making it difficult to determine the location. So she said, “Hurry up and

tell me the meeting place. Jane has already come out. I have

to give them an address so that they can help me send her


“I will tell you the address, but you have to prepare 340

thousand dollars in cash for Jane and air tickets and

passports. I will watch her get on the plane and return Martin

Chapter 686 Byron Came to Visit Her to you!”

Flora thought about it just now. And she felt that Jane’s

reputation was so bad now, even if she got out, it would be difficult to live a good life.

In addition, she had divorced Harry before, so it was doubtful that she would find an excellent family to remarry.

But Flora was unwilling to let her find an ordinary person to live a life where she had to work hard for daily necessities.

So after thinking about it again and again, she felt that it would be better for Jane to go abroad.

With Jane’s qualifications and beauty, it would not be difficult for her to make a comeback abroad and remarry someone she thought could stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

“Three hundreds and forty thousand dollars? It is a little difficult to collect so much cash quickly.”

“You can’t make it. The Yoris family can make it. Why don’t you

find them?

Hearing Flora’s natural tone, Sara wished she could go straight to the other end of the microphone and pluck her hair.

Chapter 686 Byron Came to Visit Her

Cora noticed the person tracking the address was gesturing

to her, so she said, “Then I’ll ask them for money. You give me the address first. I’ll raise money now and take Jane there as I am done.”


Flora heard she no longer shirked raising the money, so she quickly said a meeting address.

After the call, the technicians confirmed that Flora was in an abandoned factory in the suburbs after comparison.

And the place where she made an appointment to meet Cora was at the coffee shop at the south end of the abandoned


While Cora was talking with Flora, Jane, wearing a prison uniform and doing handicrafts, suddenly heard the

correctional officer calling her.

“Jane, someone wants to see you.”

Jane frowned.

After she went to prison, everyone who flattered and admired

her before seemed to have forgotten her.

During this period, apart from Flora, no one came to see her.

Chapter 686 Byron Came to Visit Her

But thinking of Flora, Jane became highly irritable.

If Flora came to see her, she didn’t want to see her at all.

Even as Flora visited her last time, she kept saying she would find a way to get her out.

But Jane still took her words as a fart.

A lunatic, what could she do for Jane?

As Jane hesitated, the correctional officer urged, “What are you dawdling about? Get out!”

Therefore, Jane could only follow her to meet the person.

As Jane entered the reception room, the correctional officer

closed the door.

Jane looked up and saw that familiar figure.

The man was smoking and looked preoccupied.

But even so, his profile still made her heart attack.

Even though she experienced so many things, even though Byron said all the hard words to her, as she saw this man again, she was still the same as she first saw him and was

Chapter 686 Byron Came to Visit Her attracted deeply by him.


Her voice was overjoyed. Even she could hear it.

She even straightened her hair hastily, feeling annoyed in her heart. If she had known it was Byron, she should have cleaned up before coming to meet him.


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