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Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband Chapter 289

Chapter 289 Whatever It Costs?

At that time, a patient of Jane suddenly had a headache, so she sent the patient downstairs to the CT room for


While waiting for the patient’s examination, she caught a glimpse of Byron pushing Flora around the flower bed from a


They walked and chatted with smiles, looking familiar to each


The scene deeply hurt Jane’s feelings.

Just at this time, a female nurse from the burns unit who was somewhat familiar with Jane passed by.

Seeing Jane staring at Byron and Flora, she enthusiastically

introduced them to Jane, “Dr. Yoris, that’s the mother of Dr.

Lane in the emergency room, and the man pushing Dr. Lane’s

mother is her fiancé.”

“How do you know that man is her fiancé?” Jane retorted with

obvious hostility in her tone.

After all, Byron was still her fiancé in her mind. So she was

Chapter 289 Whatever It Costs?

angry to hear the nurse say he was Cora’s fiancé.

But the nurse was insensitive and didn’t hear Jane’s hostility.

She smiled, “That man tried so hard to show his kindness to

Dr. Lane’s mother. He came here almost every afternoon to

chat with her during lunch break!”

Hearing the nurse’s words, Jane clenched her hands into fists.

The nails dug deep into her palms, almost poking a hole.

But she still clenched her fists tightly as if she didn’t notice it

because only such bone–piercing pain could remind her not to

lose control in front of others!

It turned out that Byron didn’t propose to her just because of Cora’s company during his frustration, but he had planned it for a long time.

To get Flora to agree Cora to marry him, he even came to visit Flora every afternoon to seek attention.

Recalling that she had to ask Carter to make an appointment

before having an occasional dinner with Byron, Jane only felt

she had become a joke.

But the nurse was unaware of Jane’s overwhelming anger. She

smiled and continued, “Everyone in our department thinks Dr. Lane is really lucky. His fiancé is handsome and kind to elders.

He brought all kinds of delicate pastries to Dr. Lane’s mother

Chapter 289 Whatever It Costs?

every time he came. Even we could eat some.

I heard that he seems to be an assistant. We didn’t think an

assistant’s monthly salary would be too high, but he brought high–end pastries personalized by the hotel every time. I

suppose he has spent all of his salary. But since he treats Dr.

Lane wholeheartedly, he must love her to the core. The people in our department have witnessed them show their affection many times!

The nurse’s words reminded Jane that when Flora mentioned

her fiancé’s surname was Hansen, she asked Jane thoughtfully, “Is your fiancé’s surname also Hansen?”

She suddenly realized Flora probably didn’t know that her future son–in–law and she was originally a couple!

Otherwise, Flora probably wouldn’t have agreed with Byron and Cora being together.

The more Jane thought about it, the more she felt Flora could help her prevent Byron from marrying Cora.

Although Flora’s liking for her seemed inexplicable, she

thought she could use Flora when she thought of the seafood

porridge Flora had given to her, the scarf, and her carefulness

in front of her.

Jane stared at Flora and Byron, who were talking and

Chapter 289 Whatever It Costs?

loughing and drifting away.


Even though her intuition told her this would bring trouble, the

would do whatever if cost!


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