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Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband Chapter 125

Chapter 125 I Change My Mind
The next day, after Cora finished her work at the hospital, she went to the Yoris
Mansion as scheduled.
In order to show how highly he thought of her, Arnold waited for her in front of the
mansion’s gate even when the night had fallen.
Since it was so late at night, obviously the other Yoris family members were
worried about the old man waiting alone outside, so they asked his caring
granddaughter, Jane, to accompany him.
Jane looked at Arnold’s hand affectionately and persuaded him in a soft voice,
“Grandpa, you’ve been waiting for so long. Why don’t you go inside first? It’s too
cold in this suburb at night, and it won’t do you any good if you catch a cold.”
“It’s fine. This grandfather of yours is still very strong.”
Once Arnold became stubborn, no one could persuade him.
“Besides, it’s not easy for that girl either. She’s even traveling to the suburb at
night to attend an apprenticeship ceremony. I’m worried about her safety.”
Enter title…
Finding out that Arnold’s new apprentice was a girl, Jane couldn’t help but frown
In fact, Arnold had only accepted male apprentices before. And since there had
always been more males in the Yoris family, Jane became the only girl in the
whole family, so she exclusively enjoyed the affection of Arnold and even all the
elders of the Yoris family.
This was also one of the reasons why she was hesitant to give Arnold Cora’s
contact information when he was inquiring about it before.
Apart from not liking Cora and Byron’s seemingly invisible bond, Jane was even
more worried that Cora would take Arnold’s sole affection away from her.
And Jane wasn’t sure if this was why she inexplicably thought of Cora when she
heard that Arnold’s new apprentice was a girl.
But on second thought, she hadn’t given Cora’s contact information to Arnold
until now, so it couldn’t be her.
Suddenly, Arnold’s voice brought her back from her wandering thoughts.
“Jane, why don’t you go inside first? It’s windy, and I don’t want you to catch a
Hearing Arnold’s concerned tone, Jane finally felt slightly more at ease.
No matter what, her position in Arnold’s heart would always be different from
other people’s.
“Grandpa, I’m wearing thick clothes. It’s fine.”
It was when a taxi slowly stopped in front of them.
Arnold hurried forward and opened the car door for his new apprentice.
Jane couldn’t help being a little unhappy once more. After all, she was the only
one who could condescend Arnold to open the car door before.
Arnold didn’t notice that something was wrong with Jane, and he even warmly
greeted the person in the car, “Come, kid. Let’s get into the house.”
Jane slightly stretched out her neck to look inside the car, and soon she saw
Cora getting out of the car with her bag in her hand, greeting them with a smile,
“Good evening, Sir Yoris and Dr. Yoris.”
Jane instantly felt as if she was trapped in ice.
Arnold’s voice rang out, “Right. Both of you have known each other, so I don’t
need to introduce you to each other again. Now let’s get into the house. It’s
indeed a bit cold out here.”
Arnold led the two into the house with a smile, but he wasn’t aware that the two
girls were currently engaged in an eye-to-eye confrontation.
“I really didn’t expect Dr. Lane to find the time to learn woodcarving despite being
so busy with her work in the hospital.”
Perhaps it was because of the cold air in the suburb that Jane’s tone sounded
colder than usual.
Cora smiled, but her voice was also frosty. “People will always have to learn for
all their lives. Even if you don’t have the time, you still need to squeeze some
If it wasn’t because Sara had pushed her to the edge, she would never want to
get involved with the Yoris family.
Arnold didn’t know that the two girls were going against each other, and he even
praised Cora with a smile, “Learning is an endless process! This is what I like
about this kid the most!”
These words also hurt Jane’s feelings unintentionally. It wasn’t because she felt
inferior to Cora, but because Arnold was praising Cora today when he had never
praised other girls in front of her before.
Because of this, only after Arnold had introduced Cora to his other apprentices
and the woodcarving masters he invited did Jane suddenly say, “Grandpa, I also
want to learn woodcarving now. What if you accept me as your apprentice, too?”


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