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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 931

“Take them all back for tests!” Charlotte instructed.

“Right away!” Morgan carefully placed all eleven tea sets into plastic bags and had someone bring them back.

“Ms. Lindberg… We wash all our kitchen utensils and sterilize them at high temperatures repeatedly on a daily basis, so you might not be able to find anything on them…” the restaurant owner said cautiously.

“You can open the restaurant for business tomorrow,” Charlotte said and left the place, only for Bruce and his men to come looking for the tea set moments later.

The restaurant owner then explained to him what had happened and asked Bruce for his opinion on opening up his restaurant the next day.

With the tea set gone, Bruce had no choice but to report the situation to Zachary accordingly.

Zachary had just finished showering in the hospital and was drying his hair on the chair at the time. “We’ll go with her decision,” he replied in a deep voice after hearing Bruce’s report.

“Yes, sir.”

“Given Lindberg Corporation’s current situation, Ms. Lindberg must really care about Ellie if she’s personally carrying out the investigation at Seacrest Restaurant!” Ben said after Zachary hung up the phone.

“You keep defending her…” Zachary lowered his voice as he asked, “Do you think the two of us could possibly go back to how we once were?”

“I…” Ben didn’t know what to say.

“I noticed a strong sense of pride in Danrique during our confrontation today. He got really mad because I wrongly accused him, and he tried to poison Robbie as a result. There’s no way a vengeful man like him would allow Charlotte to let go of our grudges and return to me. Besides, Charlotte would never forgive me if she regains her memories and remembers her hatred for me anyway…”

Zachary seemed dejected when he said that as he recalled how Charlotte had protected him and their kids.

I know she’s a kind and loyal person deep down inside, but the events today have shown me that there is a gap between us that we can never bridge…

Unsure of what to say, Ben could only let out a sigh in response.

Having made up his mind, Zachary declared, “Danrique will definitely be coming after me for costing Lindberg Corporation hundreds of billions today. Just you wait… This battle of ours has only just begun!”

“Why must you two keep fighting like this? Wouldn’t it have been a lot better if both families could coexist in peace?” Ben asked.

Zachary turned to look out the window as he said in a low voice, “Had it not been for that incident two years ago, we might actually be able to continue coexisting peacefully. As tempting as it may be, Danrique would normally take his business to another country if he can’t gain a foothold here. I mean, just look at what happened two years ago. He failed to gain the support of the Browns and the Blackwoods over and gave up when Grandpa stepped in. So, why would he launch an attack at me now? I used to think that he did it because he had gained some kind of leverage over me, that he saw a perfect opportunity and used Charlotte against me. However, I realized today that isn’t the case…”

“What’s the reason, then?” Ben asked curiously.

“Because…” Zachary’s frown deepened as he continued in a stern tone, “Danrique thinks our family has been bullying his, so he’s trying to get his revenge!”

“He’s sacrificing so much just for the sake of revenge?” Ben couldn’t understand the logic behind it.

“Danrique is said to be incredibly cruel and capable of doing anything to achieve his goals. Even so, his aunt Isabella remains his biggest weakness. There was a businessman who ended up with his whole family dead, all because he accidentally insulted Isabella.

Danrique saved Charlotte in the nick of time when she was tortured like hell in T Nation, and he knew Sharon was the one behind it. However, he chose not to kill her so that Charlotte could get her revenge herself!

I always thought Danrique had an endless amount of tricks up his sleeve, but my encounter with him today proved me wrong. He is simply fueled by pure hatred, and everything he did was for the sake of getting revenge. He couldn’t care less about wealth or power. All he wants is to make us pay in blood!”


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