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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 921

“When you were poisoned years ago, he was the one who treated you…” Marino paused abruptly and greeted, “Ah! Ms. Blackwood, you are here!”

Ms. Blackwood? Could it be Cynthia Blackwood?

When Charlotte was about to ask again, Marino had hung up.

Charlotte’s forehead creased into a frown as the line went dead. In a split second, there was a change in her countenance.

“What is she trying to do? She seems to be meddling up with things all the time!” Morgan chided.

Lupine echoed by grumbling, “She’s really annoying! Ms. Lindberg, don’t be angry. Since Mr. Nacht is poisoned now, I’m sure he’s not the one who sought her help.”

“Marino mentioned that Ellie was poisoned because of the food she had consumed…” Charlotte squinted her eyes and mumbled quizzically, “Ellie was by my side all the time these two days. How was it possible for her to be poisoned?”

“It’s rather weird. Not to mention, Ms. Elisa had taken the same meal as Mr. Robinson and Mr. Jamison. Nothing happens to them, yet why was she poisoned?”

“Who had actually poisoned Ms. Elisa?” Morgan frowned and asked in bafflement.

Lupine asked tactfully again, “Could it be she was poisoned in the Nachts’ residence? Ms. Elisa still looked fine by the time she left yesterday evening.”

“According to Marino, Ms. Elisa started to feel sick and did not have any appetite right after she got back to the Nachts’ residence. They went to Seacrest Restaurant for some clue but did not detect anything,” Morgan added.

“Ah! Seacrest Restaurant… If I’m not mistaken, Ellie did not eat anything else after her meal at Seacrest Restaurant. If it is food poisoning, I’m sure she was poisoned at the restaurant…” Charlotte commented analytically.

Right that instant, Cynthia’s figure flashed across her mind. Even though she did not have any evidence, her gut instinct told her that the woman had something to do with Ellie’s poisoning.

“Morgan, go to Seacrest Restaurant now and have a thorough search. Don’t miss out on the surveillance footage in the restaurant!” Charlotte instructed.

“Noted, Ms. Lindberg!” She nodded respectfully.

A while later, the car came to a halt by the roadside. Morgan got out of it with a few subordinates, hopped into another car, and sped off.

On the other hand, Charlotte’s car was heading toward South Sea.

Lupine tried to appease Charlotte by consoling her. “Ms. Lindberg, don’t worry. After the opening ceremony, I will accompany you to visit Ms. Elisa at the hospital. By then, I’m sure Morgan will manage to get some clues.”

“I can’t let anything happen to my family again! I have vowed to protect them!” Charlotte stared into space out of the window with a hint of determination in her eyes.

Lupine could not resist feeling worried, yet she did not have the courage to utter any words. Deep down, she could only pray that everything would turn out fine.

In the meantime, Marino was standing in Taylor and Cynthia’s way in the hospital. He had assigned others to notify Ben a while ago.

After a while, Ben reached hastily and said courteously, “Mr. Blackwood, Ms. Blackwood, I’m sorry to inform you that Mr. Nacht refuses to see anyone at the moment.”

“We heard that Zachary has been poisoned, and we are here to help him. Cynthia has knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine and might be able to treat him,” Taylor explained sincerely.

“How did you find out about that?” Ben knitted his brows. My goodness! This is the Nacht family’s top secret at the moment. How did they know about it?

“I’m the one who notified them and sought their help,” Spencer emerged and explained.

“Mr. Spencer,” Ben greeted him and moved aside at once with his head lowered.

Spencer explained further nonchalantly, “They are not outsiders. Mr. Henry is impressed with Cynthia’s medical skills. After all, both Mr. Zachary and Ellie are seriously ill, and none of the doctors can help them at the moment. Thus, there is no harm for us to let her give it a try.”

“But…” Ben tried to refute.

“Ben, please let me give it a try. I’m convinced that I can help to eliminate the poison from both Zachary and Ellie’s bodies.” Cynthia signed to him.

Cynthia’s words put Ben in a tight spot. Too many things occurred recently, and he started to be suspicious of her. Even though there was no concrete evidence that she was the mastermind behind everything, Ben told himself not to let his guard down as long as she was not exonerated of any blame.


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