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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 876

“Shut up! Do not talk about your sister like that!” scolded Taylor angrily.

“Why are you yelling at me like this? You didn’t use to treat me this way. Is Zachary really marrying that mute?” asked Sharon in astonishment.

“I will deal with you when I get back!”

Taylor glared over before he sped up to chase after Zachary.

“Zachary, let me walk you out. Thank you so much for helping Synder Group out. I’m guessing you spent a lot of resources on this. Thank you…”

Hearing those words worried Sharon even more. She was a businesswoman, so she understood how the incident from the night before could put pressure on Nacht Group.

However, she felt that given his skills, Zachary could’ve solved the matter via a different method. Yet, he didn’t. Instead, he came over in person to help Synder Group out. I guess he really is going to marry Cynthia…

Just then, Cynthia walked out of the study room with a bouquet of Alocasia. She was sad initially, but when she saw Sharon there, she quickly readjusted herself. She acted calm as she walked past her younger sister.

“Hold it right there!” demanded Sharon arrogantly.

Cynthia paused and turned to Sharon. The former’s eyes shone with distance as she did so.

“You really are something else, you sl*t,” insulted Sharon as she went over in her wheelchair. She was right in front of Cynthia when she interrogated through her gritted teeth. “Getting Zachary drunk then stripped to seduce him and getting the paparazzi to barge in at the right time to shoot those photos. You got them to spread the news just to force Zachary to marry you. Is that it?” demanded Sharon.

Cynthia glared over angrily before she turned around to leave.

“Oy, I didn’t say you can leave!” said Sharon, who chased over and used her wheelchair to block Cynthia’s path. The former roared angrily, “You are so shameless. Hell, you are just like your mom and will do all sorts of despicable sh*t to con men…”

Hearing those words prompted Cynthia’s expression to change instantly. A murderous aura shot out of her eyes…

“I knew it. Your true colors finally presented themselves,” said Sharon. She was even angrier when she saw Cynthia’s expression. Sharon pointed out, “You conned me to go to Storm Hotel that night, didn’t you? You used me to distract Ben and his men so that you can go after Zachary. I bet you’re also the one who got the car to hit me. You b*tch! You are as evil as your mother… Ah!”

Sharon didn’t even get a chance to finish her sentence. Cynthia suddenly turned over and kicked the wheelchair as hard as she could.

The wheelchair lost control and zipped forward.

Bang! A loud noise signaled how it crashed against the wall. Sharon fell from her wheelchair and hit her foot, which was in a cast. She also hurt her injured rib.


Sharon screamed in agony, and her voice echoed.

The maids and the bodyguards heard that, so they rushed over from the other side…

Just before that happened, Cynthia put on a surprised expression. She rushed over to help Sharon up, and her eyes shone with tears. It looked as if she was worried and heartbroken for her baby sister…

Yet, when Sharon turned around to look at Cynthia, the latter grinned evilly and mouthed, ”I am the queen of the house now, and you will be my lap dog if you wish to stay here!”

“Y-you evil b*tch!”

Sharon was so angry that she was losing her mind. She raised her hand to slap Cynthia.

“Stop it right there!” shouted Taylor who came in and happened to see that. He hurried over and shielded Cynthia behind him before yelling, “How dare you try to slap your sister like that? Do you really think you’d get off the hook?”

“Daddy, why are you protecting her? Do you know that she is the one who got me in this state? She hired the driver to run his car into mine, and she kicked my wheelchair earlier,” informed Sharon as she stared at Taylor in disbelief.

“Sharon, how can you say that? I would never hire someone to hurt you, and when have I ever kicked your wheelchair?” signed Cynthia nervously and with teary eyes.

“You pretentious b*tch!”

Sharon was so angry that she was going crazy. She lunged over to try to slap Cynthia again.


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