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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 813

“Don’t leave…” Charlotte wanted Olivia to stay, but her head was throbbing in pain. It took all she had to mumble, “Don’t let her leave…”

“What did you say, Ms. Lindberg?” Lupine didn’t hear it.

“It’s rowdy here. I’ll take her in so she can rest up.” Zachary took Charlotte and left. Lupine and Morgan tried to follow him, but he disappeared from their sights a short while later, much to their shock. They went around frantically trying to look for their employer.

Meanwhile, Zachary left with Charlotte from the back. She was already groggy from the pain. Marino was standing quite some distance away with the Pagani beside him. He tossed the key to Zachary, and Zachary took it. He went into the car with Charlotte and covered her with his suit before driving away into the night.

After Marino saw him off, he asked, “I thought Mr. Nacht said he can’t drive the Pagani now because a normal gigolo can’t afford even a tire change?”

“Ms. Lindberg is suspecting him now. She probably sent someone to keep an eye on us when we came out earlier. Driving another car would only make her suspicions worse,” Ben whispered. “Enough of this talk. Keep those women busy for now. I’ll meet up with Peter.”

“What? Why me?”

“Who else is there? Make sure you aren’t recognized.” Ben handed Marino a black fox’s mask. “All Sultry Night hosts use this.”


Charlotte’s headache subsided after half an hour, and she looked around groggily. When she noticed she was in a Pagani, the first thing she asked was, “Where did you get the money for the tire change?”

“I sold my Benz,” he answered seriously.

“I thought I gave you the money for the repairs.” She massaged her temple.

“I was worried you might want it back, so I didn’t spend it,” Zachary joked.

“I see.” Charlotte smiled and looked into the rear-view mirror. Lupine and Morgan didn’t follow us? She tried to call Lupine, but her phone was dead.

“Wanna use my phone?” Zachary handed her his phone.

“It’s fine.” Charlotte didn’t take it. “Take me to Rokan Hill.”

“You’re not going back to Ashenville Garden?” Zachary looked at her.

“No. I have to go back tomorrow.” Charlotte stared at her watch, looking conflicted. “Did my bodyguards follow you when you took me out?”

“They did, but they lost us halfway through,” Zachary answered easily. He had to admit that Charlotte was a lot more alert compared to how she was two years ago. She would notice something was wrong no matter how perfect his cover was.

“Useless,” Charlotte muttered under her breath.

“Ooh, fierce.” He pinched her cheek. “I can keep you safe too, you know.”

As he spoke, a few jeeps tried to catch up to them. Zachary wanted to speed up and lose them, but Charlotte said, “Slow down.”

“What?” Zachary was surprised, but Charlotte held the steering wheel and led the car to the roadside. Left with no choice, Zachary slowed down and stopped the car.

The five jeeps quickly surrounded the Pagani before a group of young armed thugs alighted from the jeeps, looking ready to fight. Zachary knew they weren’t Zara’s henchmen or any of his powerful foes’ lackeys. Could they be…

“Get out, you b*tch!” the leader of the group roared, but instead of getting out of the car, Charlotte lowered the convertible top.

As the Pagani’s roof was slowly retracted back, the silvery moonlight shone coldly on Charlotte. She raised her chin and stared at the men coolly. “Who sent you guys?”

“Think long and hard about it, b*tch.” The men came closer with their weapons in hand. “But you ain’t getting a chance, because I’m beating you to a pulp tonight!”


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