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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 772

Robbie missed the opportunity to see that person again because he was dragged back by Spencer.

Soon, anger welled up in his chest, but he couldn’t throw a tantrum because he knew that Spencer was just concerned about his safety, after all.

At that time, Henry frowned and looked at Robbie, feeling anxious.

Back at home, they saw Jamie, Ellie, and Fifi waiting for them by the door. The two of them rushed toward the car immediately when the car entered their residence. “Robbie, Robbie!”

Just as Robbie stepped out of the car, Ellie threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. Then, she pouted and burst into tears.

“Robbie, are you trying to abandon us? Why did you run away from home? Where are you going? You promised Mommy that you would take care of Jamie and me!”

Robbie felt the urge to cry upon hearing that. Then, he hugged Ellie and patted her shoulder gently. “Ellie, don’t cry. I wasn’t trying to run away from home. I was just…”

“Don’t do that anymore, alright? You almost scare Ellie and me to death. You should discuss with us if you have any problems. We are triplets. So, we must always stick together,” Jamie pouted his lips and looked at Robbie with his teary eyes as he choked out the words.

“Alright. I’m sorry.”

Robbie was overwhelmed with guilt at that moment. All this time, he did everything on his own because he wanted to let Jamie and Ellie live happily. He didn’t want them to overthink things like him.

Besides, he didn’t want them to get into trouble.

“Alright, let’s go in.”

Upon seeing this, Henry’s brows dug deeper. Although the three of them have different personalities, they are always on the same page. If any of them has negative feelings, the other two siblings will be affected.

By then, it was approaching noon.

It was too late for them to join their school anniversary celebration. Henry asked the kitchen to prepare lunch for the children before calling Robbie to his study room and had a heart-to-heart talk with the latter.

In the study room, Henry asked Robbie if he was shocked by the eagle that day, but he said no. Then, the former asked if Robbie felt uneasy because Cynthia moved in, so he wanted to go somewhere far away to enjoy some peace and quiet. But, the latter denied too.

No matter how Henry tried to communicate and guide, Robbie insisted that he went there just to find his mechanical dove.

Henry was absolutely helpless. He could only give up and let Robbie go back to his room to get some rest.

After returning to his room, Robbie took out his tablet and played his parents’ wedding video. Then, he enlarged a part of the video to see his mother’s wedding ring clearer and took out a black gold ring from his bag to make a comparison carefully.

A-hah! As expected!

It’s Mommy’s wedding ring!

The discovery caused excitement to course through Robbie because he was one step closer to success. As long as I have the chance to meet the owner of the Northridge, I can ask her about Mommy’s whereabouts.

But the incident that happened just now had alarmed everyone. I think it’s hard for me to escape next time.

Robbie pulled the curtains apart to take a look outside. As he expected, Henry deployed more bodyguards to watch over them.

At that moment, the Nachts’ residence was heavily guarded.

Every child had four bodyguards. The bodyguards took turns to watch over them. No matter where they went, the bodyguards must stay by their sides all the time.

Just as Robbie was busy figuring out how to go out, there was a knock on the door. A few seconds later, Jamie and Ellie’s voices were heard.

“Robbie, I’m Jamie. May I come in? I bring you some food.”

“Robbie, I’m Ellie. I want to enter your room too.”

Upon hearing that, Robbie immediately kept the ring properly and opened the door. “Come in.”

“Thank you,” said Jamie as he pushed a food trolley into Robbie’s room. There were lemon and herbs lamb skewers and some desserts on the trolley.

On the other hand, Ellie was holding Fifi. Her face was still glowing red at that time because she’d been crying just now.

“Take a seat,” said Robbie as he put his clothes away from the sofa.

After the two of them sat down, Jamie questioned Robbie angrily, “Robbie, what the hell are you doing recently? Do you have some secret plans?”


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