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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 763

“Why did you push me out?” Henry growled angrily, “Stop! I haven’t told him off enough yet-”

“If you keep going, the kids will wake up, especially Robbie. He’ll know what’s going on the moment he hears you. By then, it’ll be hard to fix your relationship again. Do you want it to go back to how it used to be?”

That served incredibly effective to calm Henry down.

“Mr. Zachary shouldn’t have talked back like that. Go back and rest. I’ll tell him off for you.”

“That cheeky, rude rascal. You better teach him a lesson!”

“I will. Don’t you worry.”

Spencer finally wheeled Henry away with his smooth words.

Back in the study room, Zachary was so angry that he kicked over the coffee table.

Ben hurriedly advised, “Mr. Nacht, please calm down. The kids might wake up.”

Yet Zachary was still huffing in anger.

Ben suddenly thought of something and said, “You mentioned before that Cynthia could help advise Mr. Henry to go back to M Nation, right? This is a good opportunity.”

Zachary finally calmed down at that. He had almost forgotten.

Charlotte was finally back in H City. Besides that, she was living in Northridge while the Lindberg Corporation was entering the local market steadily. They would start promoting themselves, and Charlotte herself would soon come into the public eye.

By then, he could no longer keep the secret from the kids and Henry.

That was why he had to get Henry back to M Nation as soon as possible before everything else could fall into place.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Raina’s voice piped up, “Mr. Nacht, I have something to report.”

“Come in,” Ben answered.

Raina entered cautiously. “Please don’t be angry, Mr. Nacht. The medical staff are already helping Ms. Blackwood move to the other building.”

“Did she hear everything?” Zachary asked with a frown.

“Yes.” Raina nodded. “She asked me to help arrange everything. The building has already been cleared out, so we just need to-”

“She can stay here,” Zachary suddenly said.

“Huh?” Raina said in shock.

“Let her stay in the guest room first,” Zachary commanded.

“Understood,” Raina quickly returned to pass the message. “Mr. Nacht said she can stay here. Hurry up and move her things back to the guest room so she can rest properly.”

Spencer had just come downstairs to mediate things with Zachary when he heard that and rushed back to report to Henry.

Henry said huffily, “My threat probably put him in place. Looks like he still knows who’s the boss.”

“Mr. Zachary may speak harshly, but deep down, he still respects you,” Spencer said wisely. “You shouldn’t push him too far. Just give him some time.”

“I don’t have the time for that,” Henry managed before he started coughing violently. He clutched his chest, trying to breathe in distress.

“Mr. Nacht, you should really start getting some treatment.” Spencer hurried over to pat Henry on the back.

“Treatment won’t help much. I’m already 98.” Henry smiled helplessly. “No matter how powerful I was when I was young, nothing can beat the disease of old age.”

“You’re not old, Mr. Nacht. You’re just as lively as the rest of us,” Spencer said with reddening eyes.

“This happens to everyone,” Henry said mildly. “I just want to see that rascal put down his past and live a new life before I go.”

“He doesn’t seem completely heartless toward Ms. Cynthia,” Spencer mused. “Now that Ms. Cynthia is staying with us, they’ll have plenty of chances to interact. As time goes by, they’ll definitely start falling for each other.”

“I hope that’s the case,” Henry said with a sigh. “Once I see them together, I can finally return to M Nation in peace.”


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