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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 715

“She was wearing a mask back then. How did you recognize her?” Zachary wondered.

“Her eyes were one of a kind…” Louis mumbled as he lost himself deep in his thoughts again.

“To be honest, before she performed the piece, I’ve already seen her. She was exceptionally eye-catching when she came down from the car. I even took a photo of her.”

At that, Louis took out the photo in his wallet to show Zachary. Indeed, it was Charlotte from two years ago.

Back then, Charlotte was forced by Sharon to wear a sexy evening dress. When the night breeze blew, the edge of her skirt flapped, and she was trying to keep it back down.

It was a seductive yet pure pose she had at that time.

Right at that moment, Louis had sneaked a shot of her.

Staring at the photo, Zachary’s forehead creased. He never thought the banquet from two years ago would have helped Louis and Charlotte get together.

“She later wore a mask when she performed on stage, but when I saw her eyes, I guessed that it was her,” Louis crowed. “However, to make sure I was right, I followed her backstage after her performance and saw her take off her mask.”

“What great eyesight you’ve got! Zachary cut him off, not wanting to hear more.

“The funny thing is that when I met her at Pillere’s Royal Theater, she doesn’t remember anything about it,” Louis continued, disregarding Zachary’s interruption. “I took out the photo and showed it to her, but she told me that wasn’t her.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to admit whatever she’s done back then,” came Zachary’s half-hearted reply.

“That’s not it.” Louis shook his head. “She was sick, and she lost her memories.”

“What?” Zachary halted in his tracks. “Really?”

“Yes.” Louis was certain. “Even until now, she has yet to completely recover. She has to take her meds every day, and she only remembers things from her childhood. She remembers nothing from her adulthood.”

Upon hearing his words, a solemn look crawled onto Zachary’s face as thousands of thoughts raced in his mind.

If what Louis says is true, then Charlotte really doesn’t remember me anymore. That means she doesn’t remember her family and friends too.

Does she not remember the triplets too?

Right then, Zachary realized something major. Charlotte loved her children dearly, but since her return, she never talked about her children, much less looked for them. That was indeed strange behavior of her.

Moreover, she was close to Mrs. Berry. Yet, she never mentioned Mrs. Berry’s horrible death that happened a while back.

There was no plausible reason to explain her odd behaviors other than her loss of memory.

Did she really lose her memory? Is that why Danrique is using her against me?

“Zachary… Zachary!” Louis’ voice pulled Zachary’s mind back to reality. Zachary then said, “Let me bring you to rest at the hotel first.”

“What’s the matter with you? You seem distracted,” Louis queried.

“I didn’t sleep well last night,” Zachary replied. Then, he added, “That woman’s a complicated character. You should stay away from her.”

“I don’t think she’s complicated; I think she’s mysterious,” crooned Louis, who did not agree with Zachary’s words.

“I encountered her again at F Nation’s Royal Concert last year before I confessed my love to her and began courting her there. However, she told me that we could only be friends. I thought I didn’t have any opportunities anymore, but look at how passionate she was toward me earlier! I’m feeling my flame of hope burning anew!”

“This is how women seduce men,” Zachary coldly stated. “In other words, she’s a scheming b*tch.”

“What beach?” Louis did not understand what he meant.

“Anyway, she’s nothing but poison, so don’t get close to her,” Zachary uttered, planning to mislead him. “There are plenty of pretty, sweet girls in H City. I’ll introduce them to you tonight.”

“No way! I’m not that kind of person,” Louis rejected promptly. “We from the F Nation are loyal people who stick only to one.”

At ten o ‘clock in the evening, Louis followed Zachary to Sultry Night. Staring at the fluorescent lights and crowd of beautiful women, his eyes lit up in excitement. “I can’t believe there are places as thrilling as this!”


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