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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 2016

Chapter 2016 Becoming Successful

When Francesca heard the car outside, she could not help but turn to look. The woman had to slowly move her entire body since she could not turn her neck because of the severe injury.

Hence, she missed Danrique’s car. The vehicle was already gone when she finally managed to turn around.

At that point, Francesca was filled with utter regret because she did not get to kiss the man goodbye or even hug him. The two had parted without a proper farewell.

Why did I have to be so proud? It’s too late for me to regret it now. Frances felt terrible when she thought about the way she acted.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Felch. Mr. Lindberg will be back very soon.” Having served Francesca for so long, Kerrie could immediately tell what was going through the woman’s mind.

“I don’t care when he’ll be back. I’m better off without him anyway.” Francesca continued with her pretense.

“Aren’t you going to miss Mr. Lindberg?” inquired Kerrie with a smile.

“Of course not!” Instead of eating her oatmeal, Francesca stirred it so much that she nearly spilled all of it.

“Okay, let’s forget about him and focus on your recovery,” suggested Kerrie with another smile. “You should try this soup, Ms. Felch. It’s delicious!”


In the following days, Francesca wanted to recuperate in peace, so she came up with an excuse to send Helen and the others away while promising to keep paying them as usual.

Helen was a respectable physician. Even though she loved money, she would not accept it for doing nothing.

Hence, the woman told Gordon that she only needed to be paid for the services rendered. No more, no less.

Having confirmed Francesca was okay with that, Gordon paid Helen her due and sent her and the others to the airport.

After the medical team left, Francesca then had people ready the clinic and some medicinal herbs for her because she wished to treat herself.

Besides getting herself to recover sooner, the woman needed to prepare an ointment that could help her hair grow back quickly since she did not intend on staying bald.

Confident that Francesca’s formula would become an instant worldwide hit, Kerrie excitedly suggested that the woman had it patented and marketed for sale. After all, most people in this modern age have hair loss issues because they think too much. This invention couldn’t be timelier!

However, Francesca did not want her simple formula to go public or appear on the market. In her opinion, those who went bald should stay that way so people could tell how smart they were.

After letting out a chuckle, Kerrie commented on how unique Francesca’s way of thinking was and mused that that was probably what made her a genius.

Francesca did not respond to the woman since she simply wanted to stay out of the spotlight, especially when Chrono and Riz Corporation were keeping a close eye on her. I better keep a low profile and focus on my recovery.

Just like that, ten days passed in a flash.

Even though Francesca’s wound was almost completely healed, she dared not use the hair growth formula just yet. Otherwise, the injured spot would remain bald.

The time Kerrie spent with Francesca had taught her a lot.

Despite her poor aptitude and slow comprehension, Kerrie eventually became capable enough to help Francesca.

In the beginning, she had no idea what Francesca was talking about when the woman threw scientific names of medicinal herbs at her. Even after Francesca had taught her the names, Kerrie just could not seem to remember them.

Francesca got so annoyed that she scolded Kerrie and warned that the woman would remain a nurse with such performance.

All Kerrie could do then was apologize profusely.

Francesca, too, apologized when she realized that she had been too hard on the nurse, who reminded her of her old self.

Unlike Kerrie, Francesca could absorb almost all the knowledge her mentor had to pass down.

However, there were still times when she would fail to comprehend her mentor’s teachings, warranting her a harsh scolding much like the one she had given Kerrie.

Francesca felt terrible then, but after she became a mentor herself, she realized that her teacher simply wanted her to become successful.


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