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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 2002

Chapter 2002 The Truth

A complicated expression flashed across Danrique’s eyes as he stared at Dr. Felch’s back as he walked further away. Gordon rushed over and asked in a low voice, “Mr. Lindberg, could he be Ms. Felch’s—”

“He is her master,” Danrique replied. He had already guessed the man’s identity.

Despite her young age, Francesca possesses incredible medical skills. Therefore, she must have been under the tutelage of an expert. That person is Dr. Felch. He isn’t just Francesca’s master, he is also her only loved one left in the world.

Gordon finally had a grasp of the situation. ”I see. Should we go after him?”

Shaking his head, Danrique said, “That won’t be necessary. Both of them seem to be avoiding each other. Perhaps it’s not the time for them to be reunited yet.”

Gordon nodded in agreement. “That’s right. Maybe Ms. Felch wants to achieve something in her life before she goes back to see her master. As for Dr. Felch, perhaps he’s waiting for a better opportunity for their reunion.”

“Maybe you’re right. Send someone to protect Dr. Felch. When Cece’s condition is stable, I’ll personally send him back,” Danrique instructed.


Dr. Felch walked slowly down a long corridor for several minutes.

Seeing Dr. Felch’s complicated expression, Sam thought he was exhausted. Sam carefully supported him and suggested, ”Dr. Felch, we should return to the hotel early and rest.”

“No. We should head back to Phoenix City,” Dr. Felch said in a hoarse voice.

There was a tinge of sadness in his voice.

Sam was taken aback by the suggestion. “We’re leaving now? We haven’t settled our medical fees yet. Ah, Dr. Felch, why are your eyes bloodshot?”

“Something got into my eyes because of the wind,” answered Dr. Felch.

He fell silent afterward.

“It’s quite windy in H City. After all, we’re by the sea,” Sam muttered.

In the ward, Helen was examining Francesca’s condition. With a look of delight, she announced, “The operation was a success. She will be under observation for another twenty-four hours. Everything will be fine if there are no complications.”

“That’s wonderful!”

The team of medical staff was overjoyed. Furthermore, some people whispered about seeking advice from Dr. Felch.

The ward plunged into silence the moment Danrique returned. Everyone immediately stepped aside.

After listening to Helen’s update in Ustranasion, Danrique instantly felt relieved. Sitting by the bedside, he held Francesca’s hand and quietly accompanied her.

Soon, Sloan brought the news that Dr. Felch wanted to leave to return to Phoenix City as soon as possible.

“Ask Dr. Felch to stay for another twenty-four hours. He can leave after the observation period is over,” Danrique instructed.

Sloan immediately went to relay the message.

Time ticked by as everyone waited for the doctor’s update anxiously.

Danrique stayed at the hospital until noon the following day. Francesca’s condition had improved after a day.

“She’s no longer in danger. She will be back to normal after recuperating for the next few months,” explained Helen.

Upon hearing the doctor’s words, Danrique finally let out a sigh of relief. He instructed Gordon and the others to protect Francesca. Then, he brought Sean to visit Dr. Felch at Garden Villa.

Nevertheless, Dr. Felch had already packed his luggage and was determined to leave. Furthermore, he made it clear that he refused to meet with Danrique by asking the bodyguards to inform him not to visit him.

The bodyguards did not dare to stop him nor show disrespect. Hence, they hurriedly called Sean to report the situation.

Danrique smirked upon hearing Sean’s explanation. “He’s so stubborn. They’re indeed a family.”

Smiling, Sean said, “We’re almost there. It’s right in front. The private jet is ready. I heard Dr. Felch has also brought his dog. Mylo is currently discussing with the airport management to allow the dog to board the jet.”

“Remember to fulfill Dr. Felch’s every wish,” Danrique ordered.


At that moment, a car drove up on the other side. After poking his head out of the car window, Sean informed, “That’s the car escorting Dr. Felch to the airport.”

“Okay.” Danrique gestured for his subordinates to open the car door.

Just when Danrique was ready to send off Dr. Felch on the roadside, the barking of a dog could be heard coming out from the other car.

“Be quiet, Cece!” Dr. Felch growled, seemingly displeased.

Danrique tensed up upon hearing that. What on earth is going on?


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