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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 2001

Chapter 2001 This Is Good

Relief flowed over the doctors at Danrique’s words, and Helen moved to give the spot of the lead surgeon to Dr. Felch. Dr. Felch looked at the short-haired, unconscious girl on the bed, and his eyes clouded with emotions.

Without further ado, he examined the wound and the X-ray images on the screens before starting. Helen and the rest of the staff assisted him at his side.

Dr. Felch didn’t utter a single sound or raise his head throughout the two-hour procedure. He finally finished removing all the metal shrapnel from the wound and did a final examination before cleaning and closing up the wound in one fell swoop.

Helen could not help but express her admiration after the surgery. “Dr. Felch, you have superb skills. You didn’t have to look to know where the shrapnels were, and you removed them immaculately. Your control and strength were flawless even when a fragment was pressing on a nerve below her brain. There was simply no room for error.”

“Yes, that was amazing!” the other doctors praised, and the female doctor translated what Helen said to Dr. Felch. He removed his mask and said blandly, “No need to translate. Save the adulation and take good care of the patient.”

His gaze was drawn to Francesca on the bed, the stormy look returning to his eyes. He wasn’t even aware when Sam called out for him.

“Dr. Felch… Dr. Felch… Dr. Felch!” He only snapped out of his reverie after Sam repeated his name several times. “What?”

“We should leave now,” Sam reminded politely.

“Okay.” Dr. Felch removed his mask absentmindedly, his gaze flicking to the screen, and he asked, “The person behind the screen, could you step out for a word?”

Meanwhile, Danrique was donning an isolation gown before going to Francesca. His hands stilled when he heard Dr. Felch, and he motioned for Gordon and the bodyguards to keep an eye on Francesca.

He said, “After you, Dr. Felch.”

Gordon mentioned that Francesca insisted Danrique treat him with respect as a father figure. Danrique had dismissed that request with a “Nonsense,” but now that he was in Dr. Felch’s presence, Danrique found himself regarding him with deference.

Sam assisted Dr. Felch out of the room, and Danrique followed suit.

Although it was their first meeting, there was a peculiar sense of familiarity, as if they had met somewhere before.

They both took a moment to size each other up before recognition lit up their eyes.

“It’s you?”

“It’s you!”

Memories from seven years ago rose unbidden in their mind, and surprise twinkled in their eyes.

Francesca had saved Danrique seven years ago, and he had spent half a month convalescing in the mountains and met Dr. Felch briefly.

She pointed to Dr. Felch’s silhouette at the time and remarked that he was the only loved one she had in the world.

Dr. Felch was aware that she had saved someone and that they had developed feelings for each other.

However, Francesca was still young, and Dr. Felch strongly opposed their budding love and limited her interaction with the outside world. He told her to keep her identity private and not reveal her true name to anyone.

Thus, Danrique was kept in the dark about Francesca’s situation, but Dr. Felch remembered him.

Danrique had changed since seven years ago, so Dr. Felch spoke in an incredulous tone, despite being able to recognize him.

Danrique was convinced that Dr. Felch was Francesca’s only loved one.

“I didn’t understand why she believed you were the only person who could treat her, but now-”

“Good, good, this is good!” Dr. Felch cut him off and exclaimed vehemently before taking his leave with his head bowed, as though he had nothing to say or ask and was contented.


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