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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1983

Chapter 1983 Ignoring Her

“That’s enough! Shut up!” Chrono was enraged.

“No, it’s not enough. An outlaw like you shouldn’t have children in the first place. Even if you have a child, you shouldn’t have brought your child with you. You were the one who caused Candice’s death, and now you’re blaming it on me and the paramedics. They are innocent. Thirteen lives were taken by you just like that. You think you’re avenging Candice, but have you ever thought if she really wanted you to do this? She’d hate you if she knew you killed so many people for her sake—”

“Shut up! Shut up right now!” Chrono howled in distress, and a gunshot reverberated outside, tearing the silence of the night.

Right after that, the call ended.

Sloan immediately sent someone to check out the situation and informed the police.

Francesca looked down at her phone with complex emotions.

Initially, she only wanted to talk to him, but the man was too adamant in insisting that she was the one who had caused Candice’s death. She then reprimanded him out of irritation and ended up causing him to fly into a rage.

A top assassin like him excelled at hiding, and he would not easily expose his whereabouts, which made it difficult for the Lindbergs to track him down.

Now that Chrono had lost his composure and fired a gunshot, revealing his current location, Sloan immediately took action and called the police.

Even if they failed to capture him this time, he wouldn’t be able to approach her within a short period of time.

Therefore, that was probably considered an unexpected gain.

Francesca’s head began hurting again. She put her phone down, wrapped both her hands around her head, and lay down, waiting for the pain to subside.

Her phone was vibrating, but she was in so much pain that she could not bother to check.

A while later, her phone went out of battery and switched off automatically.

After all, a lot of calls came in that day, and she didn’t charge her phone.

Meanwhile, in Xendale, Danrique listened to the busy signal over the phone and gritted his teeth in anger. The audacity of this woman to ignore my calls and texts! Fine! Since she ignores me, I won’t bother about her either!

The more Danrique thought about it, the more his anger brewed. Irked, he threw his phone away.

“Could it be that something happened?”

Sean immediately gave Sloan a call, getting information from the latter that there was a gunshot nearby where Francesca was at. It was probably the person who had launched a sneak attack the night before. Sloan had sent someone to track the person down.

Sean asked if Francesca was all right, and the former was relieved to hear from Sloan that she was fine. Moreover, Sloan also told him that they had sent someone to protect her at all times, and he asked Sean to reassure Danrique.

After giving Sloan a few more reminders, Sean hung up the phone and cautiously tried to console Danrique. “Mr. Lindberg, as you know, there was a gunshot nearby the villa. I suppose Ms. Felch is just frightened. She’ll probably contact you later.”

Danrique scoffed. “Frightened? She isn’t scared of anything. Why would she be frightened by a gunshot?”

“Um…” Sean didn’t know how to answer that.

“Perhaps she pretended to be gentle and docile so I would allow her to return to the country alone. That way, she could grasp the opportunity to escape… Otherwise, why has she been ignoring me since she reached H City?” Danrique felt that something was wrong.

“Please don’t overthink. Maybe that’s not the case.”

“Why is that not the case? I read it in books all the time. The first few months are the honeymoon period, and couples will act all lovey-dovey with each other and are basically inseparable. Especially women, they would cling onto men like bubble gum. But look at how she behaves now. Not only does she not cling onto me, but she also ignores me…”

Danrique became increasingly flustered with the current situation.

“Once we settle everything here, we can just go to H City earlier. I think everything will be settled in a few days’ time,” comforted Sean.

“Why should we go there? She wouldn’t even answer my calls! Send more men there to keep an eye on her. Don’t let her escape,” uttered Danrique indignantly.

“Yes, sir!”

“From now on, I’ll ignore her too. Unless something serious happens to her, don’t mention her at all. I’m going to wait for her to come and apologize to me.”

Still annoyed, Danrique had a grim expression on his face.

“Yes, sir.”

Sean nodded but sighed inwardly. Yeah, right. You won’t be able to ignore her for long. I bet you’d contact her within three days.


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