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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1530

Chapter 1530 Increase

“As I should.” Charlotte gave her a small smile before sighing. “Unfortunately, I didn’t pick the right place and ruined the day. I’m really sorry.”

“That’s fine. We’ll meet another day,” Nancy replied before nodding at Charlotte. “Ms. Lindberg, I’ll take my leave now, then. See you another time.”

“All right, see you.” After watching her leave, Charlotte turned to the hoard of journalists with a ferocious look and said, “It seems that the letter from the lawyer is still not enough to stop you. Maybe it’s time to raise the amount.”

“Ms. Lindberg, please don’t be mad. This is just our job,” the journalists hurriedly explained before fleeing the scene.

Soon, peace returned to the place.

Charlotte then said to the Brown family’s bodyguards, “Take good care of Mr. Brown. Don’t let anyone disturb him before he wakes up.”

“Yes, Ms. Lindberg.”

Those two bodyguards were Michael’s trusted subordinates. Naturally, they understood what Charlotte meant.

It was then Charlotte’s heartbeat returned to its normal rate, and she turned to “Zachary” to say, “Let’s go.”

Without waiting for him to reply, she led Morgan into the elevator.

“Zachary” could only follow her.

Bruce and the other two subordinates sensed something amiss about the atmosphere, but none of them dared to voice anything.

Finally, the fake Zachary could not hold himself back anymore.

“Why are you here at the hotel?”

“I’m here to meet Michael,” Charlotte replied truthfully. “What about you?”

“You’re a married woman. How could you come out in the middle of the night to secretly meet another man? How could you say those things without even feeling ashamed?”

“Zachary” was furious, the anger in his eyes for all to see.

However, Charlotte continued to look at him calmly, thinking, This person is good at acting. It’s almost as though he’s a husband himself. Anger. Jealousy. Everything he’s supposed to be feeling is on his face.

“Why aren’t you talking?” the fake Zachary questioned. “You’ve always been so close to Michael, and there were so many rumors about you and him. Why aren’t you keeping your distance from him? Why are you even meeting him in secret? Do you even think of me as your husband?”

Charlotte remained quiet as she listened to the fake Zachary’s angry rant.

“You’ll know how bad this is tomorrow. I’m sure there will be more rumors about the two of you! The board is already unhappy with you, but you’re only stirring up more and more trouble,” the fake Zachary continued, still furious.

Even Morgan could not take it any longer as she snapped, “Mr. Nacht, you—”

“Shut up,” Charlotte cut Morgan off before turning to the fake Zachary. “Are you done? If you’re done, then start explaining what’s going on between you and Nancy.”

“Zachary” froze before huffing, “What’s there to explain? I just ran into her at the hotel!”

“Is that so?” Charlotte raised a brow. “Then tell me why you’ve suddenly come here.”

“I…” That question threw fake Zachary off guard, but he was quick to recompose himself. “I received an anonymous call telling me that you’re cheating with Michael here, so that’s why I’m here.”

“Oh.” Charlotte nodded before reaching out toward him. “Give me your phone.”

“Zachary” panicked, but he quickly hid his panic with anger. “What are you doing? The one who is in the wrong is you! Why are you questioning me instead?”

“What did I do wrong?” Charlotte huffed, half-amused and half-annoyed. “Which eye of yours has seen me cheating?”

“You… I…”

Once again, the fake Zachary was rendered speechless. Indeed, he had failed to catch her red-handed in the process of cheating even though so many people had come. No matter what he did now, he could not accuse her of cheating.

“Has the illness made you lose your mind? Are you going to believe in every rumor you hear?” Charlotte chided him instead. “It seems that you need a few more acupuncture sessions.”



Before “Zachary” could reply to her, Charlotte instructed Morgan, “Go to Hayley in a while. Tell her to add another treatment session for Mr. Nacht starting from tomorrow.”


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