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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1493

Chapter 1493 A Conference For Condemnation

Because of Gordon’s help, Lupine and Morgan felt more assured.

That was especially true for Lupine, for she knew Danrique must have sent Gordon over to help them out. Although he was sharp-tongued, he had always protected Charlotte secretly.

An hour’s notice was sufficient to gather a huge crowd of journalists from famous media companies in H City.

Surprisingly, everyone seemed prepared. Even those not usually in H City managed to arrive at Nacht Group in an hour.

The large conference room was filled to the brim. Both the journalists and cameramen were all waiting for Charlotte’s arrival eagerly.

After putting on simple makeup, Charlotte changed into a white suit that fitted her perfectly.

All the cameras were instantly locked on her when she entered the venue. The camera flashes never stopped as the cameramen kept clicking the shutter.

Charlotte sat on the main seat. No one else was seated beside her. As that matter involved only her, it was inapt for Spencer and Johann to attend.

They could only watch the live stream in their office, their hearts in their mouths.

“Should we address you as Ms. Lindberg or Mrs. Nacht?”

Someone from the crowd blurted the question, his tone reeking of sarcasm.

“Since we’re in the company, call me Ms. Lindberg.” Charlotte raised her head and stared at the journalist with a sharp gaze. “You’re Jayden Duncan, a journalist from H City Reports, am I right?”

“Uh…” That journalist froze, for he did not expect her to recognize him, much less know his name. Even though the cameraman behind him had the logo of H City Reports, his name was not written.

At that thought, Jayden looked at his badge pass. His name was not on it either.

“If I recall correctly, your company was the one who released an article questioning my husband’s whereabouts, am I correct?” Charlotte continued to ask.

She knew full well that a proper media company like H City Reports would not publish news baselessly. However, every time they did, they would usually find some glorious excuse to support their statements as if they were fighting for a righteous cause.

“That is correct,” Jayden replied, having recollected himself quickly. With his head held high, he continued, “Not long ago, Mr. Nacht held a press conference announcing his wedding, but the media was not invited to the ceremony. Since then, he has been out of circulation. Now, we received news that Mr. Nacht died in a fire. This is utterly astonishing! Ms. Lindberg, would you like to offer an explanation regarding this matter?”

Charlotte asked in return, “Why should I explain anything to you? It’s a family affair, and you have no right to know.”

“Ms. Lindberg, it sounds like you’re trying to evade the question. I take it that you’re feeling guilty?” Jayden was relentless.

“That’s right,” someone concurred.

At the same time, the others started questioning Zachary’s death.

“Security of the Nacht family has always been top-notch. No matter where Mr. Nacht goes, he would be accompanied by at least eighteen bodyguards. Why did a fire break out? Even if there was one, why is it that he’s the only one who died in the fire? That’s too bizarre…”

“Rumor has it that the fire had something to do with you, Ms. Lindberg. Is that true?”

“Also, why are you in charge of Nacht Group when a tragedy has befallen Mr. Nacht? Shouldn’t his subordinate take the helm instead?”

“Some said that Mr. Nacht transferred all his assets and shares to you before this incident. That’s even more bizarre. It’s like those situations where the wife insures the husband, then he dies all of a sudden, and all the compensations go to the wife’s pocket.”

“That’s right. That’s even more dramatic than a soap opera!”

Charlotte had merely uttered a single sentence, but what ensued was a barrage of questions from the media. She had no opportunity to retort. As the unanswered questions piled up, the tension in the air started building.

It did not seem like a press conference but a conference for condemnation.


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