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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1482

Chapter 1482 Taking Action

“Jamie”—Charlotte wrapped her arms around him in a comforting manner— “Little Fifi was born the same year as you, and it’s seven this year. As an elderly bird, it was a courageous bird that had sacrificed itself to save Ellie and went to heaven earlier than expected. I believe Little Fifi will end up as a little angel in heaven.”

“Mm.” Jamie sobbed pitifully. “Can we hold a wake for it?”

“Of course you can.” Charlotte bobbed her head. “But I think you should wait for Ellie to wake up before holding the wake.”

“How is Ellie doing? When will she wake up?” Jamie asked.

“She’s not badly hurt. Little Fifi and Fifi did their best to protect her,” Charlotte said, trying hard to be optimistic. “I believe she’ll regain consciousness soon. We just need to give her some time.”

“All right!” Both Jamie and Robbie nodded vehemently. “Can we visit Ellie and Mr. Ben at the hospital tomorrow?”

“Sure. I’ll ask Morgan to bring you there,” she promised while patting their heads dearly. “Now, be good and go wash your hands. Let’s have dinner together downstairs. From today onward, you will eat your meals on time with the girls so they won’t be scared, okay?”

“Okay!” Jamie and Robbie replied in unison.

Seeing how obedient and strong they were, she felt relieved.

After calming them down, she went and had fun with the girls.

The girls had been obedient for the past few days, a far cry from their usual craziness. They would play with toys in the playroom quietly, watch a cartoon, or read books without kicking up a fuss.

Knowing that Charlotte was busy dealing with a crisis, they dared not bother her and their cousins.

When Charlotte came to spend time with them, they comforted her and said, “Don’t worry, Aunt Charlotte. We’re finding Daddy and Mommy. They will be here to help soon.”

“Thank you, girls.” Charlotte paid no heed to their words, as they were merely kids. “All right, my darlings. I need to get back to work. Be good and go to bed. Tomorrow, if you’re bored, ask Jade to accompany you to pick some grapes.”

“Okay, Aunt Charlotte. You should get some rest!”

The girls watched Charlotte leave before huddling together for a discussion.

“Alpha, Beta, should we summon Mommy now?”

“Yes, I think it’s time. Look how upset Aunt Charlotte is. Robbie and Jamie have locked themselves in their rooms, and Ellie is hurt. I feel bad for them…”

“Aunt Charlotte, Uncle Zachary, and our cousins love us. We need to do something for them.”

“Let’s take action tonight.”

“I agree.”

Meanwhile, Charlotte returned to her study room and buried herself in work.

Back when Zachary was feeling unwell, work had piled up. Now that he was missing, a lot of projects were waiting to start earlier than planned, so Charlotte had a lot to deal with.

She had been working nonstop for the past few days, but work never seemed to end. However, the continuous work allowed her to forget the pain and become stronger.

“Mrs. Nacht…” Hanna knocked on the door before coming in with a tray of food. “You haven’t eaten a proper meal in days. Have something to eat before resuming work.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Rawlston,” came Charlotte’s answer. She didn’t even bother looking up as she flipped through the file in her hand.

“Your health will suffer if this goes on,” Hanna said in a sympathetic tone. “If you get sick, what about the children? What about your family? And what will happen to the company?”

“All right.” Charlotte put down the file and got up. Right when she stood up, her head went dizzy, and she collapsed to the ground.


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