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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1383

Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort chapter 1383

“There’s no need for that,” replied Helen, who didn’t really want to get too deeply involved in the drama. She said, “There’s basically nothing else I can do now, so I’ll just go to the hotel. Ms. Gold has already gotten a room for me. You can still call me whenever you need to, though.”

“That’s a great idea, too. I’ll have the chauffeur take you to your hotel,” said Raina before she asked two subordinates to drive Helen to the hotel. Before Helen left, Raina requested, “Please rest up tonight. If possible, will you drop by my hospital tomorrow to check up on another patient?”

“Are you referring to the patient in the persistent vegetative state?” asked Helen who had always been straightforward, “Mr. Nacht called me some time ago to tell me about the patient. Who would’ve thought that he’d end up being worse off than the patient he was worried about?”

“I guess the future is always unpredictable,” sighed Raina, “Oh, by the way, please keep Mr. Nacht’s medical condition a secret. You must never tell anyone about it, or the consequences will be dire.”

“Don’t worry, I know how things are,” said Helen with a straight face on, “If this secret is ever exposed, my career will be over, and I will be in grave danger as well.”

“Please be aware that you can’t even let Ms. Gold know about this,” reminded Ben, “No one else but you should know anything about Mr. Nacht’s condition.”

“Don’t worry, I know what to do. I won’t want to get myself in trouble, either,” replied Helen while nodding.

Raina cleared her throat a little before suggesting, “Let me walk you out.”

“Okay,” murmured Helen. She was quick to walk down the stairs and was eager to leave.

“To ensure your safety, I will send two bodyguards over to you,” promised Ben as he gestured for two bodyguards to follow along.

“Okay, whatever you say.”

Helen knew that her safety was just the bodyguards’ secondary mission. Their main objective was to keep an eye on her and make sure that she wouldn’t blab.

Still, Helen dealt with major issues all the time, so she didn’t mind minor inconveniences like that.

“Thank you for everything you’re doing,” said Ben before he bowed to her and turned around to walk up the stairs.

Raina walked Helen to the car and asked the subordinates to be nice to Helen before returning to the Nacht residence.

The former was walking up the stairs when she heard a melodious voice, “Dr. Langhan!”

Raina shifted her gaze over and blurted in surprise, “Ms. Gold, you’re still up?”

“I’ve been waiting for updates about Mr. Nacht’s condition. How is he? Is he up?” asked Nancy as she walked out of her room.

“Not yet,” answered Raina softly, “He’ll probably wake up in the morning. Dr. Wright’s treatment had stabilized his condition, though, so there is no need to be worried.”

“That’s good to know. Can I go see how he’s doing?” asked Nancy after she sighed a breath of relief.

“Sorry, but before Dr. Wright left, she repeatedly reminded us not to disturb him,” replied Raina to reject Nancy’s request then suggested, “Please rest for now. I’ll have someone update you once Mr. Nacht wakes up.”

“Okay,” replied Nancy. She seemed a little disappointed and had turned to look at Zachary’s room. Four subordinates were stationed right outside, and everyone looked grim. It seems the situation is still grave.

“Ben is guarding over Mr. Nacht in the room,” shared Raina, “I just walked Dr. Wright out and am heading back in to monitor Mr. Nacht as well. Don’t worry. He’ll be fine.”

“Okay,” murmured Nancy while nodding, “Then I’ll go sleep now. Please do inform me when he wakes up.”


Raina watched Nancy leave before she entered Zachary’s room herself.

Ben had dismissed everyone else and was standing guard beside Zachary’s bed.

Raina suggested softly, “Take a nap. I’ll take over and stay guard.”

“I can’t sleep,” said Ben. He had been so busy that he didn’t have the time to even sip some water. Hence, his voice had turned raspy. He added, “Dr. Wright claimed that the surgery will only buy us one month. That means we have to find Francesco within that time frame or…”

“We have to count on Ms. Lindberg now,” murmured Raina, “She is the only one who can find Francesco.”


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