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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1252

“What’s going on with you and Zachary?” Robert’s tone turned solemn. “You said you were going to talk to him about the children, so why…”

He trailed off, for it did not seem appropriate for him to say anything as her future father-in-law.

“I don’t think there’s any need for me to discuss this with you.” Charlotte did not want to continue the conversation. “If you think that I’ve embarrassed you, feel free to cancel the wedding.”

“As I’ve expected, you’ve finally shown your true nature,” Sherlyn snarled in a mocking tone. “You’ve wanted to break off the engagement for a long time now so that you can be with Zachary, right?”

Charlotte lowered her head, not wanting to answer her.

“You want to break off the engagement?” Robert furrowed his brows. “Have you ever considered the consequences of doing so?”

“What consequences?” Charlotte asked, somewhat glad that they had finally reached the main topic.

“You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you don’t need me to say anything to understand it,” Robert uttered. “That’s it for today. Dwell on it before you give us the answer tomorrow.”

With that said, he rose to his feet to leave.

“Darling,” Sherlyn called out, but Robert did not turn around.

Although Sherlyn was furious, she had no choice but to follow him out. However, before she left, she shot Charlotte a glare and said to Diana, “Take her to Louis.”

“Understood.” Diana walked over and said politely, “Ms. Lindberg, this way, please.”

Charlotte stood up and followed her out as Lupine and Morgan trailed behind her.

“Ms. Lindberg, I was only following orders earlier. You won’t be mad at me, right?” Diana apologized tentatively.

“No,” Charlotte replied as her eyes flicked toward her.

“Morgie, I’m sorry.” Diana turned to look at Morgan.

However, Morgan only glared at her in silence.

They soon reached Louis’ room. Diana knocked on the door and quietly informed, “Louis, Ms. Lindberg is here.”

Soon, the door swung open to reveal an older, stern-looking maid who then studied Charlotte.

“Ms. Avril, this is Ms. Lindberg,” Diana introduced.

The maid remained silent as she opened the door wider and gestured for Charlotte to enter.

After Charlotte entered, Lupine and the others moved to follow. However, Avril stopped them. “The rest of you, please wait out here.”

“We-” Lupine started, but Charlotte motioned her to stop. Hence, the others quietly waited outside.

After letting Diana in as well, Avril closed the door.

“This is ridiculous,” Morgan gritted out furiously. “They were so meek and submissive previously, but now they’re completely different.”

“They must have found something to blackmail us with,” Jade whispered.

“You’re too naive,” Morgan snapped. “What do you mean by something to blackmail us with? Clearly, something must have happened to Mr. Lindberg, so they think that Ms. Lindberg no longer has anyone to back her up anymore. That’s why they’ve toughened up.”

“Even if something did happen to Mr. Lindberg, it’ll only be temporary. We’ll rise back to great heights soon,” Jade grounded out.

“That’s right,” said another bodyguard.

“That’s enough,” Lupine ordered. “Quiet down. You shouldn’t be discussing this.”

Meanwhile, Charlotte had been brought to Louis’ bedside by Avril.

Louis was lying on the bed, unconscious. The injuries he had sustained had been treated, but there were still several doctors and nurses by his bedside. At the same time, there were also four maids at the side, waiting to serve him at any time.

It was as if he was a king of the olden times.

“Sir Louis is asleep, so help Ms. Lindberg with her shower and her change of clothes first,” Avril instructed before dismissing the doctors, nurses, and the servants.

“Understood.” With that, Diana turned to Charlotte and said, “This way, please.”

Since she was feeling quite icky herself, Charlotte followed Diana without any protests.

The bathroom was humongous, and the bathtub was filled.

Diana took off her shoes, about to help Charlotte shower.


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