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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1221

Morgan and a few female bodyguards came rushing up to Charlotte upon Gordon’s departure. “Ms. Lindberg! I just found out that Robbie and Ellie were taken away by Mr. Nacht’s men. Lupine is chasing after them as we speak.”

Charlotte said despondently, “Ask her to come back. There’s no point in chasing them; we’d never catch up to them anyway.”


“Charlotte!” Louis interrupted Morgan’s protests as he ran toward Charlotte. “Are you okay?”

She lifted her head and stared at him blankly before glancing at Robert and Sherlyn in the distance, feeling torn.

Louis immediately comforted her, “Charlotte, I heard that Zachary brought the kids with him. Don’t worry; I’ll talk to him. You should rest in your room and leave everything to me.”

“Okay, thank you.”

Charlotte bowed lightly to Robert and Sherlyn on the way to the manor.

Sherlyn sighed and said, “She’s so calm. The average woman would’ve freaked out at such an incident. Her composure is admirable.”

“She’s a Lindberg, after all. Mr. Lindberg would never tolerate fools,” Robert commented sulkily.

Sherlyn nodded in agreement. “I guess you’re right. Anyway, what’s with your attitude? You’re behaving as if I did something wrong.”

Her ignorance stoked Robert’s anger. “You are in the wrong! Did you have any idea what you just did?”

Sherlyn retorted petulantly, “What did I do wrong? The Lindbergs and the Nachts are enemies. Why do we need to walk on eggshells around the Nacht family when Louis is marring a Lindberg?”

“We can’t afford to offend either of them. The business world is like a battlefield; it’s utterly unpredictable. It’s always to our benefit to maintain a good relationship with powerful families for the stability of our future,” explained Robert angrily.

“I don’t understand.”

Robert was incensed. “You don’t understand? Just a few months ago, the Nacht family ran into trouble while the Lindbergs basked in their success. Look at how quickly the tables have turned. The Nachts have returned to their former glory, yet the Lindberg Corporation is fraught with danger. That’s the whole reason why I dared not cross Zachary when we arranged this marriage between Louis and Charlotte. The Nachts could always make a comeback in the future. How could you mess things up at such a crucial time, offending Zachary of all people! Do you wish to cut off our backup plan?”

“Dear Lord, how could this be? Should we even proceed with the marriage then?” Sherlyn wailed.

“It’s a week to the wedding, and there’s no way for us to contact Mr. Lindberg.” Robert frowned and added worriedly, “In any case, we should continue preparing for the wedding. Who knows, we might hear from him soon.”

Sherlyn asked nervously, “If the Lindbergs go downhill, and the Nachts are on the rise, aren’t we labeling ourselves as the Nacht family’s enemy by pushing through with this wedding?”

“No worries about that; you’ve already turned us into their enemies. You were so aggressive earlier, insulting and threatening Zachary. Our backup plan was long gone.” Robert’s jaw clenched with fury.

Sherlyn was distraught. “I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me? Oh dear, what should we do? Can we salvage this situation?”

“You need to visit him and personally apologize to him. Then, we can only hope that Mr. Lindberg will resolve his matters and restore Lindberg Corporation to its former glory!”

“Okay, that’s great. If there’s an opportunity to apologize to Zachary in person, I promise I’ll be on my best behavior. I’ll do anything to fix this,” came Sherlyn’s fervent promise.

“The best thing you can do now is to keep your mouth shut and stop creating problems for me.”

She stared at her husband wordlessly and swallowed her indignance.

Charlotte immediately dialed Zachary’s number once she got to her room. He rejected her call.

When she tried again, the call could not go through.

He blocked my number.

Charlotte used to do this to Zachary in the past, and now he was giving her a taste of her own medicine.

She paused to think for a moment before calling Robbie’s number. The call failed to connect as his phone was switched off. The same thing happened when she attempted to call Jamie and Ellie.


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