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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1179

“All right. Let’s not mention him.” Louis tried to change the topic as he placed a fried lotus root on Charlotte’s plate. “Charlotte, please try this.”

“Do you even know how to make this?”

Charlotte was a little surprised as not many knew about her favorite food.

“I asked Ellie what you liked to eat, and she told me this. That’s why I learned it.” Louis smiled at Charlotte.

“It’s hard to find good lotus root in Pillere and I’ve been purchasing it from another city. And finally, I’m able to make it successfully.”

Charlotte took one bite and nodded right away. “It’s delicious.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Louis was utterly pleased. “I also know that you love rice balls in wine, so I’m still learning it.”

“Thanks, Louis.” Charlotte was somehow touched.

“We’re getting married soon. It is the least I should do for you.” Louis looked at her with a gentle gaze. “I’m happy as long as you’re happy.”

Charlotte lowered her head, without saying anything.

“Charlotte, don’t move.”

Just then, Louis noticed a food stain on Charlotte’s face, and he took a tissue and wiped it off her face.

Charlotte was stunned momentarily, sitting still.

Underneath the dim light, her beautiful face made Louis’ heart move as he leaned toward her.

Charlotte evaded him, but still, his lips touched her cheek gently.

At that moment, the two of them froze on the spot.

The next instance, Charlotte moved away from him.

Louis’ face was blushing red from anxiousness.

Charlotte furrowed her brows as she shifted her gaze away.

“I… I’m sorry.”

Louis choked on his words as he stood up to leave.

Staring at his panicking look and the delicious lunch on the table, Charlotte felt a rush of conflicting emotions.

Meanwhile, a maid outside saw Louis run out nervously from Charlotte’s room. She immediately went inside and called Sherlyn to inform her of the development.

“How long was he in there?” Sherlyn asked urgently.

“I was standing outside the entire time. Around eleven minutes, I guess,” The maid said.

“So fast?” Sherlyn was startled. “Then, did his clothes look neat when he came out?”

“Yes, it looked neat to me,” the maid started describing. “And his hair was tidy too. But his face was red, and he looked nervous.”

Upon hearing that, Sherlyn was somewhat disappointed. “All right. Please continue to monitor them.”


Hanging up the phone, Sherlyn let out a long sigh. “It looks like it’s not working.”

“But based on what the maid said, I suppose they’ve gotten closer to each other for a little.” Just then, Diana let out a smile. “So there’s some development after all.”

“They’ve hanging together for so long by now, and they’re getting married soon. How could getting closer be considered as a development?” Sherlyn responded petulantly. “If Louis got so nervous by just being closer to her, it meant they were not intimate at all until now.”

Diana lowered her head, not knowing what to say.

“I think she’s not into Louis at all. She merely wants to use him.” The more Sherlyn thought of it, the angrier she got. “What a fool Louis is! It’s just a one-sided relationship!”

“Yes, I’ve noticed that too.” Diana chose her word carefully. “Ms. Lindberg seems uninterested with Louis. It looks like she is deliberately keeping her distance.”

“They’ve been hanging out for quite some time already. Even if there were no feelings initially, she should have a little affection for him by now.” Sherlyn sounded displeased. “If she doesn’t like Louis, why did she agree to the marriage?”

“I heard that Mr. Lindberg got into a crisis…” Diana uttered in a low voice.

“I heard that too.” Sherlyn furrowed her brows. “Maybe it’s because Mr. Lindberg is currently in deep trouble, so she wants to look for temporary refuge. If that’s true, she might cancel the wedding once the former solved the crisis. What should Louis do by then?”

“It’s still too early to judge. There’s still one month until the wedding. Who knows they will grow affection toward each other during this period?” Diana tried to comfort her.

“That’s why I’ve to get this done as soon as possible…


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