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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1170

In an instant, Charlotte heard the maids yelling, “Lady Sherlyn is here. Go down and welcome her now!”

Her heart skipped a beat. Ah! So Louis’ mother, Lady Sherlyn, is here!

Knock! Knock! After a while, she heard someone knock on the door.

“Come in,” Charlotte responded briefly.

Lupine stepped into the room hastily and notified her, “Ms. Lindberg, Lady Sherlyn is here. Do we have to go down and welcome her?”

“The kids are asleep, aren’t they?” Charlotte asked her instead, without replying directly to her question. She glanced at her watch and noticed that it was already half-past nine.

“Ellie and the three little ones are asleep, but Robbie is still reading,” Lupine replied.

Charlotte instructed, “Don’t interrupt them. You go down with Morgan and me. As for the others, get them to keep an eye on the kids. Just let them go over to greet her tomorrow morning.”

“Ms. Lindberg, Noted. I will proceed with the necessary arrangement.” Lupine nodded respectfully and left the room.

By the time Charlotte had gotten changed, Lupine and Morgan were already waiting for her outside the door. Without hesitation, she went down with both of them.

Coincidentally, Louis was advancing toward them with his mother. There were about twenty subordinates following behind them, carrying luggage of various sizes. The lineup was rather overwhelming.

“Charlotte, this is my mom. Mom, this is Charlotte.” Louis introduced them to each other.

“Lady Sherlyn, nice to meet you,” Charlotte greeted her with a curtsy.

Sherlyn’s face lit up as she complimented Charlotte, “Ah! You look even more stunning in person! I have been looking forward to meeting you. Once I knew that you were coming to F Nation, I requested Louis and his dad to arrange for us to meet. However, they keep telling me that you can’t meet me so soon as you are currently under treatment. Hence, they can only arrange for us to meet after your recovery. However, I can hardly wait to meet you, so here I am!”

“Lady Sherlyn, I feel bad as you have to come all the way here. I should be the one to visit you first, but I was worried that I might disturb you. Thus, I’m planning to visit you only after my treatment,” Charlotte explained courteously.

“It doesn’t matter who’s the one to pay a visit first. After all, we will be a family soon.” Sherlyn held Charlotte’s hands jubilantly and scanned her from head to toe. “Undoubtedly, my son has a good eye!”

“Haha! Mom, I knew it! I foresee that you will like Charlotte very much!” Louis laughed triumphantly.

Louis was over the moon and planned to assign the maids to prepare a welcoming banquet for his mother.

Nonetheless, Sherlyn stopped him at once. “It’s already quite late, don’t wake the kids up. I will have a quick wash up in the room first. After that, let’s go to the study room for a chit-chat while enjoying coffee. What do you think?”

“Good idea.” Louis nodded. He assigned the maids to prepare coffee and desserts.

Sherlyn patted the back of Louis’ hand and advised him, “You are not young anymore and mustn’t be so reckless. You should bear in mind to put the kids as the top priority all the time.”

“Mom, you have a point. Thanks for reminding me.” He turned to look at Charlotte with a grin.

“Lady Sherlyn, thanks for your understanding,” Charlotte thanked her sincerely.

She used to presume that Sherlyn, from the royal family, might have her nose in the air and tend to make a big fuss out of nothing. It never crossed her mind that she was a good-tempered and easy-going person. On top of that, she was thoughtful and catered to the kids’ well-being.

“I will go up to have a quick wash up. Just wait for a while. I won’t take long.” Sherlyn headed toward the staircase excitedly.

Meanwhile, an elegantly dressed young lady quickened her pace and tried to catch her up. “Aunt Sherlyn, let me accompany you.”

The young lady nodded to Charlotte respectfully when she walked past her.

“Oh yeah, Diana, wait a minute. Charlotte, I forgot to introduce you two. Meet my cousin, Diana.” Louis introduced her to Charlotte at once. “Diana has been by my mom’s side these two years. She has good medical skills, and she is my mom’s great helper.”

“Ms. Lindberg, nice to meet you.” Diana bowed to Charlotte again humbly.

“Nice to meet you too,” Charlotte replied with a smile and scrutinized Diana for a while. No doubt, she was a typical beauty with a dainty face and attractive figure. Apart from that, she had a pair of beautiful blue eyes gleaming with wisdom.

“Diana, just address her as Charlotte. She will be a member of our family soon,” Sherlyn said jokingly to her.

“Yes, Aunt Sherlyn,” Diana bowed with her head lowered; her lips were curved into a smile all the time. She was apparently exuding a vibe of nobility through her perfect royal etiquette.

“We will go up first.” Sherlyn smiled gently at Charlotte and said, “Louis, wait for me in the study room with Charlotte.”

“Sure,” Louis replied casually.


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