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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1148

Spencer returned to Southridge as he stood by the entrance with a cane in hand.

Spencer had aged greatly in a month as he couldn’t accept Henry’s death. He now looked like an old man with white hair.

Even the way he held the cane had somewhat resembled Mr. Nacht.

“Mr. Spencer!” Jamie got off the car and ran towards Spencer.

The kids had treated Spencer as their Great-grandpa ever since Henry’s death. They shared the respect and dependency they had for Henry with Spencer.

“Hello, Jamie.” Spencer bent over to hug Jamie and patted him on his back. “I’m so glad to see you.”

“Hehe, me too.” Jamie giggled. “Are you feeling better, Mr. Spencer?”

“Much better.” Spencer rubbed Jamie’s head. “It’s getting cold. We should get inside.”

“Alright.” Jamie nodded as he held the nurse’s hand and walked into the house.

Zachary stood by the car as he watched Spencer. He frowned and turned towards Ben and Bruce.

The duo quickly lowered their heads guiltily.

Raina also kept quiet and looked elsewhere.

“It seems like I’m an unwanted guest, Mr. Zachary?

Spencer smiled warmly at Zachary.

“Nonsense.” Zachary walked up to him and smiled. “I’ve prepared some tea in my study room while waiting. Would you like to have some?”

“Well, don’t mind if I do.”

Zachary ordered the servants to make tea as he entered the villa side by side with Spencer. Then, they made their way to the study room.

Zachary took off his jacket and sat on the sofa. As he instinctively reached out for a glass of wine, Spencer stopped him. “You shouldn’t be drinking anymore.”

The servants froze in horror.

Zachary waved his hand and the servants quickly backed away.

“Oh, don’t listen to those rascals, Mr. Spencer,” Zachary explained. “I assure you, it’s nothing serious.”

“Don’t try to hide it from me. I know everything.” Spencer sighed sadly. “I knew Cynthia was up to no good from the start. Yet, I didn’t think she would do such a thing even at the brink of death.”

“I believe if Mr. Nacht had known that you were poisoned, he would have regretted for trusting the wrong person.”

“Forget it, it’s history now. So, there’s no point talking about it anymore,” Zachary answered.

“Of course. She’s gone now anyway.” Spencer sighed.

“I can only hope that you would be able to recover with the help of the treatment. Charlotte is the best example, so I believe you will recover too.”

Mr. Nacht is gone, so you’re all the Nacht Group is left with. Can you imagine what would happen to it without you? And the kids too! What would they do without you? Spencer thought to himself.

“I know…” Zachary nodded. “I’ll head to the office tomorrow to settle some matters before I start the treatment. Therefore, I may need your help with the household matters.”

“Okay,” Spencer replied as he glanced at Zachary’s hand that was covered with gauze. “I saw the news and I know it must be very hard on you. But you must know that you have a long life ahead of you! There’s always hope as long as you’re alive!” Spencer said.

“I know…” Zachary nodded. “I’ll head to the office tomorrow to settle some matters before I start the treatment. Therefore, I may need your help with the household matters.”

Zachary’s heart tingled when he heard those words. He’s right. I can turn things around as long as I’m still breathing.

“Just focus on the treatment and everything will turn out for the better,” Spencer patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Mr. Sterk will take care of the company and I can look after the household on your behalf. So, don’t worry.”

“Alright.” Zachary smiled and nodded. “The tea’s ready. Please try it.”


The men then drank tea quietly in the study room as the sound of rain pitter-pattered by the windowsill.

Zachary noticed Spencer’s wrinkled hand when he poured tea for him. He couldn’t help but think of his father and sighed. “Do you think my father regretted his decision when he passed?”


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