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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1144

When Zachary heard that, a conflicted look crossed his face. “Looks like Danrique is really nice to Charlotte.”

“Yeah,” Ben said softly. “I heard from Lupine that although Danrique’s really strict with Charlotte, he has only kind intentions for her.”

Not saying anything, Zachary cast his gaze downward. Did Charlotte agree to this marriage out of consideration for Danrique’s situation?

I know very well that she feels no romantic feelings for Louis. But why did she agree to marry him? I can’t figure it out at all…

When he first heard about the news, his heart sank.

Although he was already mentally prepared, he still found it hard to accept when he had to confront it.

He kept hoping that she would be reluctant to agree because of their past relationship, that she would hesitate and resist. However, it was merely a figment of his imagination.

“Don’t worry. Since they have not announced it, it might just be a verbal agreement and is confirmed yet,” comforted Ben gently.

“Within three hours, the news will be published.”

Zachary gazed at the dark courtyard with narrowed eyes.

Ever since Charlotte left, H City had been raining constantly. The cloudy and wet weather made one’s mood gloomy as well.

Only Jamie could train and play soccer every day happily as if nothing had happened.

“I finally know why Robbie wanted Jamie to stay by your side.” Gazing at Jamie as he jumped around enthusiastically, Ben could not help but exclaim, “Look at how happy he is! As Marino’s been keeping Jamie company every day, his mood has improved considerably too.”

“Yeah.” A smile played on Zachary’s lips as he stood up to join Jamie’s soccer game. However, when he took a few steps, he started feeling dizzy, as if the world was spinning around him.

“Mr. Nacht!” Ben rushed forward to hold him. “Are you okay? I’ll bring you back to your room to rest.”

Ben helped Zachary to the room and lay him down on the bed. He was about to call Raina when Zachary stopped him. “We’re in the villa now. Do you want everyone to know about it?”

“But this can’t continue…” Ben panicked. “Your illness is relapsing more frequently!”

“It’s fine.” Zachary covered his eyes with his arm, adjusting himself to the brightness of the room. “I won’t die!”

“Mr. Nacht, you…” Ben wanted to say something, but Zachary dismissed him with a wave of his hand. Although Ben was anxious and frustrated, he had no choice but to leave quietly.

“What happened? Did he have a relapse again?” Bruce walked over briskly and asked.

“Yeah.” Ben nodded. “Didn’t Raina visit Spencer? What did he say?”

“Spencer wanted to look for Mr. Nacht, who has left. To prevent the news from being leaked, there’s no choice but to wait till we get home…”

“We must convince him to accept the treatment. Otherwise, the consequences would be dire.”

“Yeah, he’s getting thinner by the day. I’m really worried!”

While both of them discussed in hushed voices, they did not notice Jamie walking over from the other end of the corridor.

“So…” Bruce stopped mid-sentence and turned his head around warily. When he noticed Jamie standing beside a vase, he was stunned. “When did you arrive?”

“Just now!” said Jamie with a giggle. “Where’s Daddy?”

“He’s tired, so he’s resting in his room.” Ben walked toward him quickly, squatted down, and hugged his shoulders. “What did you hear just now?”

“Nothing.” Jamie gazed at him with a clueless look. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Ben heaved a sigh of relief. “Follow me! Let’s go eat something and not disturb your father’s rest.”

“I don’t want to eat! I want to bathe. The sweat feels so uncomfortable!”

“Okay, I’ll bring you back to your room to bathe.”

“Let the two pretty ladies bring me there instead. You should go ahead with your work!”

With that, Jamie broke free from Ben’s grasp and scurried off.


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