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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1071

Charlotte did not ask any question further as she lowered her head and pondered.

By the time she reached home, Ellie was having lunch at the dining table. The latter ran toward Charlotte when she saw her back. “Mommy, why are you back so early?”

“I can’t carry on my errand, for now, so I came back early.” Charlotte caressed Ellie’s forehead. “Good. It seems like you don’t have fever anymore.”

“Yeah, Dr. Felch said I’ve recovered,” Ellie responded right away. “I have had no fever for the whole day.”

“Good to hear that.” Charlotte carried Ellie back to the dining table.

Dr. Felch smiled at Charlotte. “Ellie’s condition is stable now. Just be careful for two more days.”

“Thanks, Dr. Felch.” Charlotte placed Ellie on her chair. “Ellie, be good and eat your food.”

“Mommy, so tonight, can I go over to Daddy’s?” Ellie cast a glance at her, full of anticipation.

“Sure.” Charlotte did not want to back on her promise. “But you’ll have to go over a bit later. Daddy’s usually busy around dinner time. After he’s free, I’ll arrange for a driver to send you there, okay?”

“Okay.” Ellie nodded obediently.

“Good girl. Then eat your lunch now and take a nap later. After you wake up, do your rehab. You may watch cartoons for a while after that. Then it’ll be about time.”

“All right.”

After settling down Ellie, Charlotte greeted Dr. Felch and headed to the study room.

She wanted to sort out the documents for the South Sea project, as she planned to bring them over tonight.

Since everyone would be at the funeral, she planned to get their signatures there. Then, she could put the whole matter to an end.

Lupine was there to help her out, and both of them knuckled off until around four in the afternoon.

Just then, Lupine’s alarm sounded, and she reminded Charlotte. “Ms. Lindberg. It’s time to get changed. We should go.”

“Okay.” Charlotte nodded and stood up after settling the last piece of documents. “Bring all the documents with you.”

“Got it.” Lupine got right into it.

Charlotte came to Ellie’s room to check on her the next moment. The latter was still napping while Olivia was reading books beside her.

Upon seeing Charlotte, Olivia immediately stood up. “Charlotte, is there anything?”

“I’m heading out now.” Charlotte took a glance at the clock. “I’ll send someone to pick you and Ellie up around eight.”

“Okay. I got it.” Olivia nodded slightly upon hearing that.

“It’s windy tonight, probably going to rain. Please make sure Ellie puts on more clothes. You should wear a jacket too.” Charlotte patted Olivia’s shoulder.

“Got it.” Olivia let out a smile. “Please focus on your work. Don’t worry and leave the rest to me.”

“Okay.” Charlotte nodded faintly. Before she turned to leave, she suddenly recalled something. “Did you make up your mind already? Are you sure you’re going to follow me to Erihal? I won’t be coming back here once I leave this time.”

“I’ve thought it through.” Olivia sounded utterly firm. “I have no ties here, and I’ve got no purpose in life. I should go with you.”

“How about Peter? Isn’t he your ties?” Charlotte asked in a low voice.

Olivia’s expression changed instantly upon hearing that. “Why do you mention him out of nowhere?”

“I know that you have feelings for him.” Charlotte had realized that a long time ago. “It’s such a pity that he’s a playboy, and he can’t give you happiness. But there’s no right or wrong in a relationship. If you like him, you should give it a shot.”

“It’s impossible between us.” Olivia lowered her head. “All I wish for now is to leave this place with you and have a fresh start.”

“All right then.” Charlotte did not further advise her upon hearing her response. “After we get to Erihal, let’s make a new plan for your future. Whether you want to further your study, or you want to find a boyfriend, I’ll arrange for you.”

“Thanks, Charlotte!” Olivia could not suppress her gratitude enough. “You’re so kind to me!”


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