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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1040

“They’re right behind us!” the driver exclaimed.

When Zara checked the rearview mirror, she saw the Lindbergs on their tail.

Seized with panic, she yelled, “Faster! Go faster!”

“I’m going as fast as I can!”

Despite flooring the accelerator, the Lindbergs were closing the distance.

Suddenly, a silver Rolls-Royce flashed past them like lightning. It then spun around and swerved to a stop, blocking their way.

The driver jammed the brakes at once and managed to stop inches away from crashing.

Henry was thrown forward by the sudden stop. Spencer wanted to help him but could barely move due to the wound on his leg.

In front of them, the car door flung open and a couple of female bodyguards aimed their guns at them.

Charlotte gradually walked out. She looked as if she was the grim reaper out for revenge.

Panicking, Zara screamed at the driver, “Drive! Ram them! Quick!”

“But…” the driver didn’t dare to.

“I asked you to drive!” Zara pointed the gun at him.

Just when the driver held the steering wheel and engaged the car’s gear, the bodyguards fired their guns with a rattle.

The next moment, the four tires of their Maybach exploded.

There was no escape now.

Infuriated, Zara dragged Spencer down from the car and pointed her gun at his head. She threatened, “Move aside or I’ll kill him.”

“He’s a member of the Nacht family. What does killing him have anything to do with me?” Charlotte sniggered at her. “There’s no escape for you today. Prepare to meet your maker!”

“Is that so? When I tried to kill Marino and Kyle the last time, didn’t you try and save them?” Zara sneered, “Despite being a Lindberg, you have none of their decisiveness. All you have is the foolish kindness of the Windts!”

“You’re right.”

That was the first time Charlotte agreed with Zara. It was precisely for that reason that she used to be bullied over and over again.

Filled with a sudden burst of rage, Charlotte pointed her gun at Zara. “That’s why I have decided to change today and become a ruthless person!”

“Is that so?” Zara maintained her calm exterior despite the nervousness inside her. “I don’t believe you!”

Just as she spoke, she pushed Spencer to the ground and shot in his foot again.

“Argh!” Spencer let out an agonizing scream before collapsing onto the ground.

“B*stard! Stop!” Henry roared as he climbed out of the car.

“Mr. Nacht.” The driver rushed forward to support him.

“Step aside!” Zara ignored Henry and continued to threaten Charlotte with Spencer’s life. “I will really kill him. I won’t hesitate to pull the trigger.”

“Go on!” Charlotte sneered. “I’m delighted to see the Nacht family slaughter each other.”

“You…” Suddenly, Zara couldn’t tell if she was telling the truth.

“Even better, you should go ahead and kill the two old men.”

Holding her gun, Charlotte approached Zara step by step.

“If they hadn’t forced me into exile and separated me from my children, the incident at T Nation wouldn’t have happened! They were the ones who caused me to lose my family. I had long wanted to take them, but I thank you for helping me finish the job!”

“I don’t believe you.” Zara was utterly confused but still tried her luck. “If you cause their death, Zachary will never forgive you.”

“You gotta be kidding me.” Charlotte found it ridiculous. “You’re the one who’s going to kill them. What has it got anything to do with me? Besides, since when do I need their forgiveness? There are plenty of men in the world. He is nothing to me now other than a has-been.”

While they were speaking, Zachary’s men had already arrived. As if she saw her savior, Zara abandoned Spencer and took Henry as a hostage instead.


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