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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1039

“We’re not saving her. It’s Mr. Henry that we’re saving,” Ben replied in exasperation. “Zara has gone crazy to even dare take Mr. Spencer and Mr. Henry hostage. Who knows what else she’s capable of doing just to save her own skin?

“Ms. Lindberg has always resented Mr. Henry. However, she restrained herself from taking revenge on the account of the children. But, it doesn’t mean that she will take Mr. Henry’s safety into consideration in her attempt to capture Zara. How can you not understand something as simple as that?”

“Now I do. I’m sorry.” Marino was filled with anxiety. “Mr. Henry is old now and cannot go through another ordeal like that. Once both sides start fighting, it will be terribly dangerous.”

“In that case, shouldn’t you be driving faster?” Ben snapped.

“I have already floored the accelerator.” Marino gritted his teeth.

Zachary was looking ahead with a grim expression.

As the rain grew heavier, he knew it was going to be a long night.

Meanwhile, as if she had gone mad, Zara was focused on getting onto the private jet. She figured that she could shake them off and leave safely once she was onboard.

Suddenly, she noticed a silver glint from behind her. The driver nervously reported, “It seems the Lindberg’s convoy is on our tail.”

“Step on it, now!” Zara urged nervously.

“Give up now. You will never escape,” Henry persuaded softly.

“If you hadn’t listened to Zachary, we would have already arrived at the airport.” Zara cursed, “That b*stard was just buying time so that Charlotte could catch me. He was doing it on purpose!”

“Why have you never reflected on your own mistakes?” Henry agonized as he looked at her. “If you have done nothing wrong, why would they even want to harm you? Even if your business failed, the dividends from Nacht Group alone are extremely handsome. Why must you cause so much trouble?”

“I wasn’t satisfied as I was obviously destined for greatness. Ever since I was young, I was better than Harrison in every way, be it at learning or doing business. However, you were never willing to give me an opportunity. Even in Harrison’s death, you rather give an inexperienced kid an opportunity instead of me…”

The more Zara thought about it, the angrier she became.

“All I wanted to do was to prove that I can do better. I wanted to show you that I am more suited to run Nacht Group. However…

“The losses kept piling on while my debts began to balloon, to the extent I owed many financial institutions from all around the world a lot of money. The amount is so big that I have lost count. If I didn’t seize power, it would be the end of me. Even Chris would suffer alongside me. Left without a choice, I had to take back Nacht Group.”

“No wonder…” Henry was at the limits of his fury. “What gave you the gall to borrow from them? You would end up digging an endless hole for yourself. They are particularly interested in ensnaring people like you, who have the name but not the smarts. It seems they have picked the right person after all.”

“Hence, you ended up committing more mistakes just to make up for your earlier follies?” Spencer asked in a weak voice.

“At least Zachary doesn’t dare do anything to me,” Zara confessed. “However, those institutions will annihilate me without mercy.”

“By becoming a fugitive right now, what difference does it make?” Henry spoke so emotionally that he coughed non-stop.

“Who would know that Charlotte is a member of the Lindbergs?” Zara raged. “Everything would have worked out if she isn’t. I would now be in control of Nacht Group and pay off all my debts. Nacht Group would not encounter so many problems too.”

Evidently, the main reason why she dared to act so brazenly was that she was confident Zachary wouldn’t harm her. At most, they would just break ties as he would never contemplate killing her.

However, she never imagined that the Lindbergs would get involved.

That was the real reason why her plan failed.

“You… You…” Henry was stumped by his anger.

Shaking his head, Spencer sighed. There’s no hope for Zara. It’s pointless to continue the conversation.


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