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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1035

Henry was stumped by Zachary’s repeated questions.

He had no answer to them at all.

In truth, he had been closely monitoring the developments at Nacht Group. Hence, he was well aware of the negative impact Zara’s scandal brought to the company.

Therefore, when Zachary made the decision today at the company, someone had reported it to him despite most of them being in favor of it.

However, Henry had no objections. He told them that he left it to Zachary to decide.

On a certain level, Henry agreed with Zachary’s actions as that was the only way to rescue Nacht Group.

He had no other options at all.

Therefore, Henry had no intention of blaming Zachary. Instead, he felt that Zachary had matured.

The reason he struggled for half a month to make a decision was due to the obligations to his family.

In the end, he made the decision based on the fact that he was the one in charge of the company.

“Everyone needs to pay for their mistakes.”

Glancing at the trunk, Zachary continued in a thoughtful tone, “Even a child is punished for his mistake. Let alone someone in their fifties? Aunt Zara has committed many crimes and harmed a lot of people. Allowing her to act with impunity would only lead to her downfall!”

“What do you propose?”

Henry was cognizant that Zachary knew the truth. Hence, it was time to drop the act. “Why don’t you get straight to the point?”

“Hand her over to me,” Zachary spoke frankly. “I’ll have her turn herself in so that the law can take its course. That’s the ideal solution for everyone.”

What Zachary left unsaid was that Zara would die a horrible death in the hands of the Lindbergs if she wasn’t handed to the authorities.

“If I refuse?” Henry glared at him.

“Then, you’ll have to excuse me.” Zachary wasted no time. “I’ll have to seize her by force!”

Just as he spoke, Bruce led his men to pry open the trunk.

“How brazen of you!” Spencer stopped him. “Back off!”

“Mr. Spencer, don’t you realize you’re making a mistake too?” Bruce advised softly. “We can still salvage the situation if we hand her over to the police. Or else, it will be a brutal war once the Lindbergs found out.”

“Even then, I still need Mr. Henry’s permission,” Spencer retorted in a low voice. “Without it, no one is allowed to make a move.”


“Tell me, are you doing this for that woman or for the Nacht family?” Henry questioned Zachary inside the car.

“Both,” Zachary replied honestly. “Although it was Danrique who exposed Aunt Zara online, she wouldn’t be in that position if she was innocent.

“Now that the incident has dealt a heavy blow to Nacht Group. I can’t think of any other way other than allowing the law to take its course. Even if you can tolerate it, the facts remain the same. The police are hunting her while the Lindbergs will never let her off.

“In the end, she will be caught by Danrique’s men and die a miserable death in an unknown corner of the world. Is that what you want to see?”

Henry’s heart wavered at Zachary’s words. He knew that even by sending Zara away, he was taking a calculated risk.

Given how serious the matter had become, the police would mobilize all their resources to capture her while the Lindbergs would never rest till they have her. Hence, even if he had sent her to Alendor, it was just a matter of time before she was found.

Sensing Henry’s dilemma, Zachary continued with his persuasion.

“To be frank, you should think about your own health. Given your age, how long more do you still have? You might be able to protect her now, but what happens when you’re gone? Who’s going to protect her then? Even if I am willing to let her go, neither the police nor the Lindbergs don’t share my sentiments. Moreover, she still has tons of other enemies!”


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