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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort Chapter 1020

“How’s your wound? Is it serious?” Henry cut to the chase after the call went through.

“You’re so straightforward, aren’t you?” Zachary let out a cold smile. “I’ve already suspected when Mrs. Rawlston came purposely to prepare breakfast for the kids. I knew you’re the one who sent her.”

That day, Zachary told Charlotte he was the one who let Mrs. Rawlston and the maids came. He said that he was worried the kids did not eat well so he asked Mrs. Rawlston to take care of them.

And then, Robbie let Mrs. Rawlston stay right away.

Zachary had reminded Robbie that he should ask for Charlotte’s permission first as this was Charlotte’s house. But Robbie responded that it was his house too, and he liked Mrs. Rawlston’s cooking.

In the end, Zachary did not reject it.

Later, he was worried that Charlotte would be unhappy about it. Hence, he put the whole responsibility on his shoulder.

If Charlotte were to get upset, he would be willing to be the one to face the music.

With that, Charlotte would not be suspecting Mrs. Rawlston or blaming Robbie and Lupine.

“I’m merely worrying about the kids,” Henry responded coldly. “I’m done with caring about you.”

“I see. Please rest early then.” Zachary was about to hang up the call.

“What’re you doing? You haven’t answered my question.” Henry’s tone turned stern.

“I can still fight with you over the phone. How seriously do you think the wound can be?” Zachary cast the question back to Henry. “Why’re you still awake at this hour? What if you fall sick? Don’t you want to see your great-grandchildren again?”

“What a foul mouth you have. I guess your wound is all right…” Henry responded petulantly. “Fine then. I’m done talking with you.”

Just when Zachary was about to say goodnight, a loud thud came from the phone. “What’s that sound?”

There was pure silence from the other side, as though the phone got covered by someone’s hand.

A few seconds later, Henry spoke, “It’s nothing. I dropped my glass. Goodbye!”

With that, Henry ended the call.

Zachary felt something was not right, and he called Spencer right after that. “Is Mr. Henry okay?”

“Yeah. He’s not young anymore, so his hands trembles easily.” Spencer smiled. “I’m with him right now. Don’t worry, Mr. Zachary.”

“Okay then.”

As such, Zachary let down his worries and ended the call. After that, he switched on his computer and dug into his work.

Indeed, he got worn out recently. After an entire day of work at the company, he would accompany the kids at night. And after he got back to his room, he needed to go back to work again.

Nonetheless, he pretended he was relaxed in front of everyone else.

After Zara’s scandal was exposed on the internet, it had brought tremendous damage to the Nacht Group that the stock had plummeted beyond imagination in just half a month.

Even though Zachary had burned an enormous sum of money to bury the news, it had already gotten widely spread. Now, he would need to announce an official statement to the public to protect the Divine Corporation and the Nacht Group.

Hence, he had made up a decision with sacrifice, which he would execute tomorrow.

He did not want any problem to occur again at this point.

To make sure every detail was well taken care of, he made another call to Ben.

“Please bring a few men of yours and sneak into Mr. Henry’s place. Keep an eye on the situation and notify me once you discover anything suspicious.”

“Got it.” Ben immediately got going.

After the call, Zachary summoned Bruce. “Go and check on Sharon’s side. And bring a few men to patrol the surroundings. Seize anyone that seems suspicious.”


After everything was well arranged, Zachary finally felt the weight off his mind as he continued his work.

He wished to settle this mess as soon as possible, at least before Danrique realized it. Zachary figured he needed to recover, then sit down and had a good chat properly with the latter.


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