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Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 4810

Chapter 4810

Chapter 4810

Vaughn grinned when he heard the killing intent in Nameless’s words.

“As long as you’re happy with the documents provided.

“Right! Young Master John told me something.”

Hearing that Blaine was mentioned, Nameless slowly sat up straight despite his high and mighty attitude. “What is he asking?”

“He said that the John family has suffered some losses recently, and they seem to all be connected to Harvey.

“He’d only embarrass himself if he went against Harvey, who has a high status now.

“It’d be better if you do it instead. He could clean up for you after that.”

It was clear that Vaughn’s words had a different meaning; he sounded quite encouraging.

Nameless froze. Then, he smiled.

“I’d just be dealing with some bugs for Young Master John, anyway. It’s just business between us.”

“It’s better to be more open-minded. You should know, Young Master John’s strength in the city isn’t something you can imagine.

“The Patel family and the six Hermit Families, they’re all just worthless trash waiting to be recycled by history…

“Since we lost in the ring, we should just have a bit of fun.

“I believe you’ll have a great time as well.

“That said, we have a variable in our plan now- Harvey.”

Nameless nodded. “Since that’s what you’re saying, I understand. I’ll handle this neatly.”

Vaughn grinned playfully.

“Not just neatly-with everything you’ve got.

“No matter how impressive Harvey is, he’s just a geomancy expert. He might have a lot of connections and power, but his fighting skills are probably nothing to be feared.

“Julian’s different, though.

“Not only does he have the Yorks of Hong Kong supporting him, but I’m sure he got his hands on his family’s ancient scripture too.

“We have people who can suppress him, but we can’t take action against him.

“That’s why, you need to be prepared for that.

“Another thing. Young Master John said that he doesn’t want anything to do with this if the situation gets exposed to the public.”

Vaughn meant that Blaine would naturally clean up for Nameless if he actually managed to take out Harvey.

If not, or if something were to happen during the process, Blaine would avoid the situation.

After all, he was the high and mighty young master of the John family. He wouldn’t want to be bothered by trivial matters.

Nameless could understand what Vaughn meant.

He had no choice but to smile despite the resentment in his heart.

In Evermore or Golden Sands, Blaine’s status alone could suppress him. He couldn’t afford to go against Blaine.

“Don’t worry, Young Master Vaughn. I lost in the ring, but that doesn’t mean we’ll lose everything else,” Nameless said.

He poured himself a glass of red wine, and shook it.

“I can even tell you that my father has already invited three Rakshasa Monks of India to deal with Julian.”


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