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God of War: Pinnacle (The Protector) Chapter 915

Hes an orphan.

In addition to that, his biological mother came from the Jones family.

He seems to match the details of this incident.

Nonetheless, how could it have been Levi?

How could he have turned the whole of South Hampton upside down by himself?

He had even trampled all over the powerful families there?

Thats rather impossible.

Meredith was green with envy when she uttered, “If only there was someone like that amongst our younger generation. Not to mention, turning South Hampton upside down is equivalent to turning South City upside down. If we had a descendant of such caliber, I’d be so happy that I wouldn’t be able to sleep.”

She sighed before continuing, “The Black family can only rely on…”

As one, everyone’s gazes fell on Zoey.

Amongst the younger generation in their family, she possessed the most potential.

If it weren’t for Levi’s appearance, the Black family would probably have risen through the ranks by now.

However, they believed that Levi would not be able to fulfill their condition of making a billion with his own two hands.

Hence, they weren’t worried at all in the least because very soon, they would have a valid reason in stopping Levi and Zoey from being together.

When the time came, they would arrange for a good husband for Zoey who would bring their family infinite benefits.

Of course, Zoey knew what they were planning.

If they knew about Levi’s identity as the grandson of the Jones family, they would immediately stop trying to tear them apart and immediately pounce at the chance to join families.

However, Zoey did not want to see something like such.

She greatly disliked this sort of mindset.

More than anything, she hoped that Levi could support her on his own instead of relying on his family background and other factors.

Before long, Levi returned home.

Iris politely inquired, “How was the anniversary meeting?”

“Not bad!” Levi smiled.

Zoey was surprised.

Why is Iris being so polite to Levi?

She wasnt like this previously!

Shes treating Levi like hes her boss now.

Zoey cast her questions aside and rolled her eyes at Levi before going back into her office.

Levi immediately went after her.

However, Zoey had closed the door to her office, preventing him from entering.

She was still angry about Levi attending the anniversary meeting of the Jones family.

“Zoey, there’s something that I need to discuss with you!” Levi raised his voice to be heard as a helpless look appeared on his face.

Only then did Zoey open the door.

However, her expression was as cold as ice.

“Get right to it. I’m busy.”

Zoey was impatient.

“I’ve discovered my biological mother’s whereabouts!” Levi answered.


Zoey sprung up from her seat.

“I went to South Hampton and learned about my past. It turns out that there was a reason that I was abandoned on the streets and became an orphan! My mother had even sacrificed her life to let me live…”

Levi told Emma Jones’ story to Zoey.

Zoey teared up with emotion upon listening to her story.

“She’s a great mother!”

“I support your decision to bring her back!”


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