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God of War: Pinnacle (The Protector) Chapter 841

Helena’s attending doctor, Keith Shawn, was a responsible man. Upon seeing that a stranger was giving treatment to Helena, he went up to stop him.

“Yes! I’m a doctor!” Fredrick nodded.

“Where is your ID card? Let me have a look,” said Keith with concern.

Fredrick had no choice but to take out his green military ID card and handed to him.

Keith took a look, and suddenly, the expression on his face changed.

“You’re Fredrick Greg? The military doctor of the Iron Brigade?” Keith asked with great respect.

“You’re right. That’s me!”

“Wow…You’re amazing. I’ve heard a lot about you! You’d saved so many soldiers before, and you even saved the God of War several times! You are my role model!” Keith was excited.

“You’re exaggerating. I’m just doing what I can!” Fredrick shrugged with a beam on his face.

“Please, come in. I believe you can do something about Ms. Engler’s face.”

Keith then led Fredrick into the ward courteously.

Levi was dumbfounded.

He tried every means to stop me. But when it comes to Fredrick, he invites him in?

After giving Helena a thorough check, Fredrick was confident that Helena could recover, and the treatment period would not take too long.

Compared with Levi’s scar treatment, Helena’s case was just a piece of cake.

“Let me start first for a week, and you can then follow my instructions and apply herbs on her face for another month. With that, she will recover in no time.”

Fredrick told them a specific treatment cycle time, and Helena was overjoyed to hear that. She really looked forward to it.

At the same time, she began to admire Levi a little bit more.

He’s so amazing. Where did he find such a great doctor?

After leaving the hospital, Levi and Fredrick returned to the Guardian Mansion.

“God of War…I heard that 47, the King of Assassins, is here in Erudia. But I’m not sure who his target is this time,” chatted Fredrick casually.

“47? I know him. He once assassinated an official in the mysterious area of 51st District overseas. But he went into hiding after that. I even heard he took the head of a God of War during a desert battle!” Levi said indifferently.

“But how dare he come here? Erudia is a forbidden place for mercenaries and assassins!” Levi’s stare became intense.

“Exactly! I think he’s way too bold, even though he is the King of Assassins!” Fredrick could not help but snigger.

“I’ll ask Phoenix to check his whereabouts. A killer like him is a potential threat to Erudia even if he’s not doing anything,” said Levi.

Soon, both of them arrived at a desolate block. The place was so empty, and there was no one on the road.

Even the street lights were dim, and they looked like they were going to go out at any time.

It was quite an uncanny and eerie atmosphere.

“Well, this place is so quiet. Guess no one’s gonna bug us back here,” Fredrick laughed at his own jest.

However, Levi did not respond to him and squinted his eyes.


The next moment, they heard a gunshot and a bullet was fired.


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