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God of War: Pinnacle (The Protector) Chapter 728

They used the same trick all over again. They knew it was someone from the Black family who took the ten million check last time, yet they accused Levi.

This time around, they knew Zoey would not stand a single chance against them.

However, Quintus was a little worried. He said, “Grandma, that won’t be foolproof right? You still have a reputation to keep.”

“I will gladly trade my reputation for the Black family. Besides, given Zoey’s unswerving loyalty to Levi, this project will ultimately go to him if we allow her to have her way,” Meredith said.

“True. We should never let Zoey have things her way,” Logan and Jennie said.

Zoey was too naive to believe the Black family.

Meredith was a reliable person in Zoey’s eyes and she took her word for it.

But all this was just an illusion.

The day went by quickly and at last, the investment conference commenced.

Merchants from all over convened at the exhibition center.

Thanks to the collapse of the South City Chamber of Commerce, local low-level merchants got the chance to participate.

As the person in charge of the event, Levi had to make sure everything worked out well.

As soon as he arrived at the exhibition center, a familiar voice held his step.

“This must be an unlucky day. I can’t believe we ran into him again!”

It was Tyler.

He and his friends were here for the investment conference as well.

Their status gave them all the reason to behave snobbishly—the Jones family was the biggest player in the conference today.

The South Hampton royal family came second to none.

“Are you here for the investment conference?” Wales asked.

“Else why am I here?” Levi said.

“Aren’t you just a security guard? Why? Are you here to bid for an investment project too? Or you’re here because you want to sell your identity as the Jones family’s grandson so you can earn some money?” Wales teased.

Hearing this, Tyler warned Levi, saying, “Don’t let me catch you sneakily using our family’s name. I won’t let you off the hook that easily!”

“Sadly, I’m not here to bid for an investment project,” Levi replied accordingly.

“Then?” Tyler asked.

“I’m here to decide who wins the project,” Levi answered.

“What a joke! Are you trying you say you’re in charge here?” Wales derided.

“Not bad! I see you like role playing,” Tyler joked, shaking his head in disbelief.

Two days ago, Levi said he was the God of War; today, he said he was the chair of the investment conference.


This was pure foolishness to Tyler.

Dude, this is not how you get our family’s attention.

You’ll need to have some substance. If your net worth were thousands of billions, we might consider taking you in.

Or at least, you should be the King of War—else don’t expect us to receive you as one of us.

You’re just a nobody!

Levi glanced at the Joneses and said, “You guys may leave now. You won’t get anything out of the investment conference today.”


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