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God of War: Pinnacle (The Protector) Chapter 1079

Soon, Leia and the rest arrived at the Morris Group office building.

Gazing up at the building, Carl scoffed, “To be honest, even the Mullins family can completely destroy the Morris Group.”

“Yeah! Ruining the Morris Group is simply a piece of cake for us.”

“Yet, they still want to challenge the Garrison clan. Isn’t that completely absurd?”

“How can such an insolent and arrogant madman be worthy of Tiffany?”

Everyone mocked coldly.

After witnessing Morris Group’s scale of operations, they were even more certain that Levi’s challenge to the Garrison clan was nothing more than a joke.

Someone like he would never achieve much.

Levi was wondering what he should cook for Zoey tonight when Seth suddenly called him, saying that he had some guests.

Confused, Levi went to the waiting area in the lobby.

He did not recognize the five youngsters at all.

However, judging from their arrogant demeanor, it was obvious that they came from exceptional backgrounds.

“So, you are Levi Garrison?” asked Carl disdainfully.

“That’s me. Who are you?” asked Levi, feeling puzzled.

“We come from Oakland City. We’re here on someone’s behalf to call off your arranged engagement.”

Taylor cut straight to the point.

“An arranged engagement? What’s it got to do with me?”

Levi was completely befuddled by her words.

My child is about to be born, yet someone is telling me that I have an arranged engagement?

Isn’t this absurd?

“That’s right, your arranged engagement! Your biological parents settled an arranged engagement for you before you were even born. Your fiancée is Tiffany Meyers, the most beautiful woman of Oakland City!” explained Leia with a cold smirk.

They thought that Levi was putting on an act.

Emma must have told him already.

Yet, he’s pretending to be ignorant?

How annoying!

“Huh? An arranged engagement? Wait a moment.”

Levi quickly contacted his mother and told her to come over.

Soon, Emma arrived.

“Mom, have you ever arranged an engagement for me?” asked Levi.

Emma was shocked momentarily before nodding. “Yeah, that’s right. Back then, Tyrone formed an engagement between you and a girl from the Meyers family in Oakland City. Her name is Tiffany Meyers! I’ve already forgotten about this. What’s wrong?”

Levi glanced at the five people and said, “They’re here to call off the engagement on behalf of the Meyers.”

Emma slapped her forehead in realization. “Oh my, I’ve completely forgotten about this. Regardless of what happened, this engagement is still in effect. Aren’t we holding Tiffany back? As she’s bound by the engagement, she probably can’t even marry yet. I’m sorry, everyone. This is my fault!”

However, Leia and the rest scoffed at Emma’s apology. “You’ve finally realized that it’s your fault? Do you have any idea how many years Tiffany has wasted because of you? Till now, she doesn’t even dare to marry or even date someone!”

“You ruined half of her life! Someone like you will certainly face karma. You deserve a horrendous death!”

“Yeah, you sabotaged her. If it weren’t for you, there wouldn’t have been this engagement. You probably don’t want to call it off, right? Do you still want him to marry Tiffany? We know your objectives. You still want to be part of the Garrison clan, right?”

The five of them started to hurl accusations at Emma, which infuriated Levi.

“Damn it! Tyrone’s the one responsible for the engagement. Why didn’t you look for him instead?”

Levi’s words rendered everyone speechless.

Naturally, no one would dare to look for Tyrone.

“What’s it got to do with Mr. Garrison? It’s all your Mom’s fault! Call off the engagement immediately and tear up the engagement contract in front of us.”


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