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An Understated Dominance Chapter 2383

Chapter 2383

“Kassidy, go get my Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill.” Noemi winked.

“Sister, you gave the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill to Dr. Rhys; what will you do in the future?” Kassidy couldn’t help but ask.

Outsiders didn’t know, but she knew very well how precious the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill was.

It was a top-grade treasure used to break through the Grandmaster.

Ordinary warriors couldn’t even dream of getting it, but she didn’t expect Noemi to be willing to give it away.

“It’s useless for me to keep the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill. Giving it to Dr. Rhys can make the best use of it.” Noemi smiled slightly.

The higher the talent in martial arts, the better the effect of taking the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill.

With Dustin’s talent and cultivation, he could better exert the medicinal effect of the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill.

“Don’t stand there; go!” Noemi began to urge.

Kassidy was a little reluctant, but it was Noemi’s thing after all, and she couldn’t make the decision, so she could only nod. After a while, she came out of the villa holding an exquisite sandalwood box.

Kassidy asked again, “Sister, are you really going to give it away?”

She added, “Okay, don’t dawdle. No matter how good the treasure is, it can’t compare to the grace of saving your life.”

Noemi was very free and easy. After taking the sandalwood box from Kassidy, she quickly handed it to Dustin and said with a smile, “Dr. Rhys, this is a little gift from me. I hope you don’t dislike it.”

As she spoke, she opened the sandalwood box and showed the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill inside.

The Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill was emerald green and crystal clear. It looked like a jewel and jade under the sun, and it was particularly beautiful.

Opening the box immediately brought a strange fragrance to the nose.

Several people around unconsciously took a deep breath, and they felt refreshed.

“It is worthy of being a top-grade elixir. The fragrance of this medicine alone is very extraordinary.” Grace couldn’t help but praise it.

Top-grade elixirs were already very rare and could attract countless warriors to fight for them. And the top-grade elixir was even more rare. It was a treasure that countless people dreamed of but couldn’t get.

Even for Grace, a princess of the Dragonmarsh, it was extremely difficult to get a top-grade pill.

“Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill is probably the only one in the entire world, and its value is self-evident.” Kassidy looked sore.

She’d rather use ten other treasures to exchange for the Nine Flowers Jade Dew Pill.


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