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An Understated Dominance Chapter 2363

Chapter 2363

“So that’s how it is.” Upon hearing this, Noemi and Kassidy suddenly came to an understanding.

After all this trouble, the old man was just a liar who was pretending to be powerful.

He looked powerful, but he was just an embroidered pillow.

Bullying the weak was acceptable, but when confronted by the strong, he could only intimidate them.

No wonder the old man in the black robe didn’t make a move when facing Conor earlier.

It turned out that he was not unfathomable, but he lacked the necessary strength and dared not act recklessly.

“Boy! I will give you one last chance.

Kneel on the ground immediately and surrender.

I can still let you live this way.

If you insist on being stubborn, I will crush you to ashes today.”

The old man in a black robe roared, his voice like thunder, rolling in with amazing momentum.

On the surface, he really looked like a master-level strongman.

“Don’t talk nonsense; fight if you want to; today, I want to personally learn your tricks.”

As he gazed at the clown, Dustin twisted the corners of his mouth.

This old guy was quite good at pretending.

He had seen through it, but he was still acting hard.

Without knowledge of the truth, you are susceptible to deception.

“Stubborn guy! I will kill you now!” The old man in a black robe yelled, and his figure dodged like a ghost several times before suddenly appearing behind Dustin and slapping his back with a palm.

Dustin’s strength was extraordinary.

He was not sure about a head-on confrontation, so he could only take the form of sneak attacks and strive to kill him with one blow.

After all, with his body skills, he could completely play the opponent around.

If he manages to defeat him, it would be ideal, as it would allow him to uphold his reputation as a martial arts expert.

In other words, even if he is unable to defeat him, he has the option to retreat without any harm.

Anyway, no matter what, he’s already invincible.

“Go to h-e-l-l!”

Seeing that Dustin did not react, the black-robed old man’s true energy gushed out instantly, gathered in his palm, and then hit Dustin’s back heavily.

This palm was fast and fierce, and with the help of mysterious body skills, it was impossible to defend against.

Before the people watching the battle could react, the black-robed old man’s iron palm had already covered Dustin.


A muffled sound.

Despite the hit, Dustin remained motionless and refrained from activating his true body-protecting energy.

Because of his body’s strength, he easily resisted the palm.

On the other hand, when the old man in the black robe hit Dustin’s back, his palms were numb, as if he had hit a thousand-year-old black iron.

“How could this happen?” The old man in the black robe was stunned; his eyes widened, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Dustin had previously activated true body-protecting energy, so it was understandable that he could not hit the other party.

But now, he attacked very quickly, and Dustin had no time to activate the true body-protecting energy.


  1. Promise Ahiagbenyo says:

    Just 2 chapters a day can be a bit frustrating…. .pls increase it plssssss

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