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An Understated Dominance Chapter 2359

Chapter 2359

“Thank you!” Dustin replied unhappily.

Originally, his sole responsibility was to save people, but now he must fight like a laborer.

He worked so hard all day and got nothing in return. It was such a loss.

“Don’t be so resentful. Show off your heroic demeanor in front of the two beauties. Maybe you can win them over.” Grace said it in a low voice.

“Come on; these two are always in trouble. I can’t bear it.” Dustin said, rolling his eyes.

“Hey! What are you guys mumbling about?”

At this time, the old man in the black robe in front couldn’t help but speak, “I will give you two choices now: either surrender immediately, or all of you will be beheaded!”

“Beheaded? You are so arrogant!”

Dustin stepped forward, looked directly at the old man in the black robe, and said coldly, “You just have some body skills. Your real strength is not worth a single blow.

“If the man lying there is smart, he can easily deal with you!”

“Arrogant child! What nonsense are you talking about?!” the old man in the black robe scolded.

Dustin said expressionlessly, “Don’t pretend; outsiders can’t see, but I can see your tricks at a glance. If I’m not mistaken, you only practice body skills, and you’ve been doing so for decades. In terms of body skills, you have indeed reached the pinnacle, better than many masters. It’s a pity that your hard work is not enough. It’s easy to deal with ordinary innate masters, but when you meet a master-level strongman, you can only win by deception and intimidation.”

After careful observation just now, the black-robed old man’s cultivation should be at the half-step master level, and there was no real breakthrough.

In terms of absolute strength, he was weaker than Conor.

But his biggest advantage was that his body skills were superb, so that the opponent couldn’t touch him.

This way, the black-robed old man could play the role of a hermit, making the opponent fearful and retreating.

This also explained why the breath of the black-robed old man alternated between being real and fake, sometimes strong and sometimes weak. To put it bluntly, it was just a disguise.

The old man in the black robe drugged Conor because he couldn’t win a direct fight, and he used this unusual tactic to make Conor lose his mind and exhaust himself.

“You are really talking nonsense!”

The old man in the black robe instantly flew into a rage, as if someone touched his pain point.

“Stinky boy!”

“How dare you question my strength? You are tired of living! If you have the guts, come forward and try. I can kill you with one palm!”

“Really? Then I want to see how capable you are.” Dustin sneered, as if he were not afraid of the threat, and simply walked towards him.


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