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Always Been Yours Chapter 960

Chapter 960 Is Eunice the Culprit?

Tessa comforted him, ”Besides, Nicholas already knows about this. I’m sure he’s also investigating the matter.”

Timothy nodded but promised himself that he would further his studies. Then, he would be able to help Tessa the next time she was in trouble.

After that, he asked curiously, ”Since this is a targeted attack on you, do you have an inkling of who might have done this? Anyone who you have bad blood with?”

”Someone with bad blood?” Tessa murmured as she recalled the things that had happened lately. If it was someone she had offended, then it could only be Eunice. Could it be Eunice who stole her composition?

Just as that thought popped into her mind, she quickly dismissed it. Even though Eunice wasn’t likable, she was a professional through and through.

Timothy noticed the change in Tessa’s eyes and questioned, ”Tess, do you have someone in mind?”

”No.” Tessa came to her senses and shook her head.

Unfortunately, Timothy didn’t believe her and insisted that she tell him.

Eventually, she told him about the conflict with Eunice, ”Despite her leaving a rather bad taste in my mouth, I believe in my teacher’s judgment of character. So, it’s probably not her.”

Since she put it that way, Timothy believed her. Nonetheless, he still had an awful impression of Eunice as she dared to seduce Nicholas.

After she hung up the phone, she palmed her phone as her fingers rubbed against the screen as she pondered the matter deeply with a frown etched on her face. For the life of her, she could not figure out just who was targeting her.

At this moment, Nicholas had come upstairs because Tessa was taking a suspiciously long time to return downstairs for breakfast. He felt uneasy, so he came up to check if everything was alright.

When he saw her standing in the hallway, her brows furrowed, he could not help but walk over with concern. ”What’s with the face? What happened?”

She didn’t see the point in hiding anything from him, so she recounted Timothy’s failure in recovering the footage to him.

”Tim said it must have been a master hacker that deleted the footage. I just can’t figure out who would go through so much effort to steal it.”

Nicholas’ eyes darkened upon hearing that new piece of information. ”Don’t worry. I’ve already ordered my men to get to the bottom of this. I believe we’ll get some answers soon. Let’s head down for breakfast first. Don’t you need to go to the orchestra later?”

She nodded and followed him to the dining room.

They didn’t know that they could not get any clues about the culprit this time because Susan had learned from her mistake.

She had been careless last time and got caught red-handed. So now, she made sure to be twice as cautious and did all she could to cover her tracks.

When she got the manuscript, she asked her father’s aid to delete the footage. So, even a top hacker would not be able to recover it.

After breakfast, Tessa brought Gregory to the orchestra while Nicholas went to the Sawyer Group’s branch office.

The instant he entered the office, Edward came knocking to report on his work and schedule for the day. Once he was finished with his account for the day, Nicholas didn’t waste any time inquiring deeply, ”Any news about Vernon?”

”I was just about to talk about him.” Edward respectfully divulged the results of the investigation. ”Vernon had been in contact with someone from Miss Tessa’s orchestra a few days ago.”

Nicholas’ face went icy at those words.”Who?”

”She’s a violinist from Sofia Symphony’s Group Six called Richelle.”


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