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Always Been Yours Chapter 915

Chapter 915 Susan Is the Lead Violinist

Susan was pleased when she saw her colleagues fawning over her, but she pretended to be modest. “Don’t say it like this, guys. This matter isn’t decided yet.” She put on a humble smile.

At night, when Group Six was done with their practice, Sofia walked into the practice room with Kellen.

“I believe you all know why we are having a meeting today,” said Sofia as she walked up to the podium. Then, her gaze swept the room. “That’s right. Today, I will be choosing one of you guys to be the concertmaster of Group Six.”

Everyone was excited when they heard her words, especially Susan, as she gripped her hands nervously while breathing heavily.

After looking at everyone’s reaction, Sofia continued her words. “During this period, I have been observing all of your progress. I believe that I don’t need to say who is the best, as you guys know on your own. So, I now declare that Susan will be the lead violinist of Group Six!”

When Susan heard Sofia’s announcement, she was delighted as she had achieved her goal.

As for the others, they had known long it would be her. Then, they went to congratulate her.

“Congratulations, your dream has finally come true.”

“You have to watch our backs from now.”

Listening to their words, she thanked them one by one modestly.

When she returned home, she couldn’t wait to announce the good news to her father. “Daddy. I’m being entrusted to be the lead violinist today!”

When Rorion heard her words, he was slightly shocked but happy for her at the same time. After all, he knew that she had worked hard for this position.

“Since such a good thing happened today, let’s have a nice meal to celebrate that you have become the lead violinist,” he announced.

Hearing his words, Susan didn’t refuse as she thought that it was a good idea. Moreover, she needed to relax as she had been working harder than at Hathaway Philharmonic to get this position during this period.

On the other side, Tessa had also known that Susan was the lead violinist of Group Six after she was done practicing. However, she didn’t think much about it, as she was not in a hurry about her future plan. All she wanted to do right now was to improve herself and have a solid foundation in her skill.

So, when she got home and saw that Gregory was home alone, she didn’t mind either, as Nicholas had called her in the afternoon, saying that he would be back home late as he had a dinner appointment with his client.

“Mommy, you’re back,” said Gregory as he greeted her with a smile when he saw her.

Tessa nodded and led him to the couch. “How’s school today? Did you finish your homework?” she asked.

“Yes, I have finished it. My teacher even praised me.”

As Gregory spoke, he snuggled into her embrace and talked to her cutely about his performance at home in the afternoon. Tessa listened attentively while giving him multiple compliments.

After they had talked for a while, the housekeeper came and told them that dinner was ready.

When they finished dinner, Tessa took Gregory for a walk in the garden. She only brought him back into the house and washed him up after he was done playing. Under the warm lights, she read a bedtime story to him in a soft voice. Not for long, Gregory slowly closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. Looking at his sleeping figure, Tessa tucked his blanket and left the room quietly.

At this moment, Nicholas still wasn’t home.

Looking at the time, Tessa was worried as she sat in the living room, waiting for him to return.

It was midnight when Nicholas returned. As soon as he stepped inside, he saw Tessa sitting on the couch. Her head bobbed up and down as she was almost asleep. At that moment, he was touched and heartbroken at the sight. Then, he quickly walked toward her.

When Tessa heard footsteps, she immediately woke up.

Seeing it was Nicholas, she jumped up from the couch joyfully. “You’re back.”

“Didn’t I tell you to sleep early? Why don’t you listen to me?” Nicholas asked as his heart ached when he saw the tiredness on her face.


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